High school <seven>

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Once Jun had gotten me back upstairs he helped me lay back down into bed. He sat down on the side and brushed his fingers across my forehead, pushing away my bangs. His hand traveled down my forhead to my cheek. He used the back of his fingers as he rubbed my cheek, then across my chin, and my other cheek. I found myself smirking and closing my eyes, how his touch was so light, it relaxed me.
His fingers moved across my whole face, running down the bridge of my nose, to tracing my eyebrows. I felt him lean down a little as he did so, he apparently also enjoyed moving across my face.
"Lay down, you can keep doing it and be comfortable." My voice was a whisper, I didn't want to disturb Jun. He only hummed and I felt the bed move from him getting up. I open my eyes and watch him climb over my legs and get under the covers with me. He turned toward me, laying on his side, and gave a small grin.
"You look so perfect." He whispered and put his hand out to my face again. This time he rested his palm against my cheek, his fingers in my hair. "How are you so perfect?"
"Because I'm not." I also turn on my side, with only a little difficulty. He moved toward me a little and moved his arm that was under him under the pillow his head was on.
"You're beautiful."
"I'm nothing special." Again he moved, only his hand though. I thought he was going back to tracing my face, but he only moved his hand down to my lip. His finger brushed over the dried cut that was there, in the process pulling lip down a little.
"You're adorable."
"I'm annoying."
"You're just shy."
"I am just a burden."
"You don't like lots of attention."
"But I crave it." We both fell silent, him just staring into my eyes. He barely blinked, as I blinked so much i could barely get a good picture of what he looked like. As I thought about it, I suddenly realized what is happening, how close he was, and how more attractive he was up close. Of course, I started blushing, and of course, he noticed.
He moved closer to me again, his hand left my face and instead went to my waist. He rested his arm across the covers, right on my waist. He brought his head forward to mine, touching our foreheads together. His eyes were closed as mine still stayed open wide, not knowing what to do.
"You'll get sick." I try to say, but my whisper is even smaller than normal. I myself can barely hear it, but somehow it catches his ears.
"I don't get sick easily." He said in a small whisper as well. "I wish I could've protected you. I wish I saw those bastards before they layed a hand on you."
"Empty words mean nothing, Jun." I moved my arms to be resting between our chests, trying to be more comfortable.
"Well these are filled to the brim." He moved his head up and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. His lips waited there for a few seconds before he moved back. "I'll protect you from now on, Minghao, I promise you." His Chinese words comforted me, I knew he was sincere. Even with his tone and words, I still doubted, against my own thoughts.
"How?" My whisper was more weak than I want it. I wanted to sound defiant and strong, not wimpy and scared.
"I'll never leave your side." Jun was grinning as he spoke. "If anyone even looks at you weirdly , they're gone." Once again, his soothing Chinese made me feel safe and secure. It calmed me like nothing else. I found myself closing my eyes and pressing my head softly towards Juns as well.
"I don't get it, you barely know me and you want to protect me as if I was the most prized possession." I didn't know why he was doing this. To be honest I didn't really know Jun existed till now, but he acts as if we have known each other for a while.
"Minghao, you are so oblivious sometimes." His words struck me back for a second. "We share some classes together, thats how I knew your name. I have seen you walk all alone in the halls, and eat lunch all alone. I wish I could've skipped my class and gone to your lunch period, but I was never able too. You never noticed when I would try to talk to you, you're always so in your thoughts and zoned out. For weeks you have been the mystery boy in my head, that's why I wanted to help you so badly."
If Minghaos eyes were open he would probably be crying. He hadn't even known the older existed but he had been trying to talk to him. He felt terrible and sad and guilt rushed into his heart.
"I'm so sorry, Junhui." My whisper was a little strained, I dont even know why I felt like crying to much. "I can't believe I just ignored you like that. I swear I didn't mean too."
"Hey, woah its okay." Jun moved his hand my shoulders, pushing me to his chest as he rested his head on mine. "You are completely fine, you dont have to think that way, okay? I knew you were sorta a loner and I was expecting you to be shy and hard to talk to. You dont have apologize about something you can't control." I wrapped my own arm around his middle, burying my face into his neck and shoulders. I didnt cry, but I was shaking slightly, and my breathing was off. He held me tight, not letting me go for a while. He rubbed circles with his hands on my back as I held onto his shirt.
"I wish I paid attention." I tried to say it normally, but it came out as a whisper. I felt his grip tighten on me, his head moving to give me a kiss on my head.
"Go to sleep, Minghao." His voice was soft and smooth. "We can talk in the morning, remember, you're sick."
I buried my face in his chest more, breathing in his scent. I felt my head grow fuzzy with dreams. It was so easy to fall asleep with Junhui with me. I just didn't know why.

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