Hybrid <seven>

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Jun stepped out of the car, turning around to see Wonwoo opening the door for Minghao to get out as well. Jun walked around the car and grabbed onto the chain connecting to Minghao's wrists. He placed one key in the hole, surprised it opened on his first try. As the handcuffs fell Minghao grabbed his wrists, but then grabbed onto the choker on his neck. He pointed at it and tapped it slightly.
"Off?" Minghao asked in a accent filled voice. Jun glanced at Wonwoo but he turned back to Minghao.
"Inside." Wonwoo pointed toward the house, hoping Minghao would understand to wait till the got in the house. The hybrid gave a small nod so the men started walking inside. Wonwoo trailed behind Minghao, allowing him to follow behind Jun quickly. Seungcheol had already gone inside, informing Jeonghan and Mingyu about Minghao.
The three men walked inside and Wonwoo watched as Minghao suddenly looked around. His jaw was slacked, showing his amazment to the house. Jun lead the way into the living room, where Seungcheol sat with Jeonghan, while Mingyu was standing. As they walked in, Mingyu perked up and ran to Wonwoo, grabbing into his arm. It startled Minghao, he jumped and went behind Jun, hissing at the tall male. His ears went back and he made a sound in between a growl and a hiss.
"Woah, its okay Minghao." Jun glanced behind him, but put an arm out to give the smaller a slight bit of protection. "That's Mingyu, he is a Husky hybrid. Wonwoo bought him from a pound, he was whipped so he had to be bandaged yesterday when we got him."
"Bandaged? W-who whipped him. Wonwoo?" Minghao stared at the two, just as Mingyu was staring at him with some fascination.
"No, no, Wonwoo was the one to help him. At the pound they whipped him for trying to excape. Wonwoo helped him and gave him medicine." Jun glanced back again, making sure Minghao knew he was being serious. Minghao still didn't move from behind him, but he turned his head and nodded to Jeonghan on the couch.
"And that's Jeonghan?" Jun was glad he was talking more, hopefully it stayed that way.
"Yes, Seungcheol bought him on friday. We found him at a sort of pet store for hybrid's. They were treated better there, but Jeonghan has actually lived on the streets for a few years before he was found by the owner." Jun felt Minghao move from behind him to the side. Showing he was slightly more comfortable.
"Cat?" Minghao tilted his head as he asked the word to Jeonghan. Jeonghan automatically knew what he was asking and nodded.
"You?" Jeonghan hoped Minghao knew what he was asking. Minghao did only know basic words in korean.
"P-pantheh? P-pantherrr." Minghao cutely stuggled on the korean word. But it was enough for the others to know what he is trying to say.
"You're a black panther?" Jun switched to Mandarin so Minghao can speak freely. Minghao nodded but cocked his head the to side. The motion moved his hair enough for Jun to finally see he bright green eyes. He didn't have a circle pupil, but oblong ones like a cat.
"You bought me not knowing who I was?" Minghao scrunched up his eyebrows. He was beyond confused because his previous owners already knew everything about him. Down to the last detail, which sometimes scared him.
"I told you before, I am not like your other owners. I am not giving you back." Jun thought his words would give comfort to the slightly smaller male. What happened was the exact opposite, Minghao looked down stepped back and clutching his arms around himself.
"My room?" Jun knew what Minghao was asking, he was uncomfortable and wanted to be alone. Jun nodded, not saying anything and glanced at his friebds.
"I'm bringing him to his room. I think I said something wrong." Jun said it quickly not waiting for his friends to answer before he turned and lead the way to Minghao's room. It was uptairs, down the hall to his own room. The room was a light blue, the furniture white. The closet was big and was filled with clothes for him to chose.
"The closet is that door, the bathroom is that door." Jun pointed the difference between the two identical doors. "Wait, before I leave, let me take off your collar. You just have to promise not to murder me okay?" Minghao nodded quickly, wanting the restricting metal off of his neck as quick as possible. Jun brought out the keys that he had put in his pocket. Minghao turned around, letting Jun lightly grab onto the cold metal.
The first key didn't work, but the second key fit with out a sturggle. Jun unlocked the metal ring, it swinging away from the others neck. Minghao suddenly ran forward turning around and rubbing his neck. Jun saw that it was fully red and there were some scratch marks in his skin.
"There is ointment in one of the cabinets in the bathroom. You can put it on your neck after you shower, for your neck to heal better. Just call for me if you need help finding it. I'll be downstairs, I'll knock and tell you when my friends have left, then again when I go to bed." Jun said as he casually looked around the room. He looked back at Minghao one final time before smiling and heading back out the door. After he closed it he paused for a minute, finally hearing the lock turn he made his way downstairs.
"Is he okay? He doesn't need anything right?" Jeonghan was standing by the stairs, probably just done pacing.
"He is fine. I can ask him if he wants food later. He locked the door, so he knows he is safe in his room." Jun was quick to plop down on the couch.
"Why did he suddenly get tense when you said that last thing? You sounded comforting...?" Mingyu was standing at the back of the couch, right behind Wonwoo.
"Well, after he told us he was a panther he was wondering why I bought him not knowing what he was. I responded saying I was different and I wasn't going to give him back. I guess that sort of gave him the opposite feeling that i was intending. He definitely doesn't trust me yet, that's for sure."
"I'm guessing because the first time he saw you, you were glaring down two full grown men. One of them was crying for Petes sake and the other was terrified." Wonwoo said matter of factly.
"Wait, why were they so scared?" Mingyu cocked his head to the side. "Did you do something to them?"
"I was wondering that too." Seungcheol said and stood up. "You need to explain how the hell that Baekhyun guy was so terrified when you started talking about rules."
"Its a long story, Seungcheol." Junhui said after sighing.
"Sum it up."
"Fine, long story short I have been looking into this hybrid thing for about maybe a year now. I had met with tons of different people, each one I had made a name for myself. There was a man that they had found dead, not too long ago. He was a pretty big dealer, huge cash around him as well. Well it was never in the news because the person who killed him paid of the city to keep it quiet. As no one knew who did it, I slowly started hinting that I did. Well, I ordered Seungcheol too anyways." Jeonghan and Mingyu gasped, but Wonwoo and Seungcheol only look surprised. "Well, the whole story was that he had lied too me about the hybrids he had, therefore breaking one of my rules. So I had ordered Seungcheol to kill him, but it didn't go as planned, so the police found out shit but I payed them off. That was pretty much the whole story that the people I talked too induced themselves. I just rolled with it in a way, that's why when I told Baekhyun he broke one of my rules he was terrified, as well as Chanyeol, they think I will kill them if they lie to me. That's why when I told Seungcheol to deal with them, I also said to not be messy like last time, meaning the guy that the police found." Once Jun was done, Mingyu had latched onto Wonwoo, Seungcheol looked amazed, Jeonghan still had his mouth open in a gasp, and Wonwoo looked proud in a way.
"That is actually really cool Jun." Wonwoo couldn't move from his tall Hybrid latching onto his back, but he smiled and gave his friend and thumbs up.
"Thanks, Wonwoo."
"That is a pretty good lie," Seungcheol started, "but you're still an idiot."

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