Hybrid <five>

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"Jeonghan, were back." Seungcheol said as he walked through his front door. They heard someone hum loudly from the kitchen in response.
"Who is Jeonghan?" Mingyu asked as he started walking to the kitchen slowly behind Wonwoo. They had gotten to know each other slightly on the way back, but they didn't talk much.
"He is Seungcheol's hybrid. But they are super close." Wonwoo said and took off his shoes.
"Yeah, he got him yesterday from a shop in town." Junhui answered. They all walked into the kitchen to see Jeonghan sitting on the counter eating strawberries. He was in a sweater of Seungcheol's, making him look tiny, and his jeans.
"Oh! Hello, may name is Jeonghan. I am a white cat hybrid, who are you?" Jeonghan stepped off the counter and held out a hand to Mingyu.
"Uhm, Mingyu, I am a hu-sky hybrid." Mingyu hesitantly shook the other boys hand, his voice cracking again.
"Mingyu why don't you go take a shower then we can treat your back while we get you something to eat." Wonwoo said in a sweet voice and looked over at Seungcheol as well.
"Your back? What happened?" Jeonghan looked up at Mingyu's hair covered face.
"I was- was." Mingyu stuttered on his words as he looked at the ground. "I was whipped after I tried to escape." Jeonghan gasped and cover his mouth. He shook his head and looked at the ground in disappointment.
"Come on Mingyu I'll show you the bathroom and where everything is. I can also get you a shirt and shorts." Seungcheol waved a hand to Mingyu for him to follow him down the small hall to the bathroom. As Mingyu was adjusting the temperature of his water, Seungcheol was picking out things for him to wear from his room.
"Where did you find him, Wonwoo?" Jeonghan asked as he poured himself a glass of milk. "A pound, you said?"
"Yeah, the man kept saying he was useless and shit, saying he talks to much and is skittish. I hope he doesn't think we will betray him." Wonwoo said and got himself a glass of water.
"Mingyu is in the shower I got him some clothes but he will need to get some that actually fit him." Seungcheol walked in and stood by Jeonghan. Wonwoo and Jun glanced at each other quickly as Jeonghan leaned onto Seungcheol.
"I can get him some later tonight or something. When we head home we can stop at some shops." Wonwoo says after clearing his throat. "Oh, and do any of you know how to cut hair, he will need it."
"Oh, yeah I was going to offer that." Jeonghan said and smiled. "I used to cut my own hair all the time and got pretty good at it. Seungcheol, do you have hair scissors?"
"Uhm, yeah I think so. I also have one of those buzzer things, if you need it." Seungcheol says.
"Why do you have one of those?" Jun laughs.
"I have no idea." All four men laugh but soon move off to either make food or get themselves a small snack. Jeonghan helps make some food for mingyu along with Wonwoo. They were talking while making food, Jeonghan asked about how Mingyu was treated more, but it didn't take long for him to get grossed out by the details.
"Wonwoo?" Everyone turned toward the door when Mingyu walked in. His hair was covering his face again but it was now wet. The shirt that Seungcheol gave him was in his hands, his chest was on full display. Jeonghan pulled a hand up to his mouth as he looked across Mingyu's scar covered chest. The basketball shorts he had on were slightly too small for him as they were hugged his waist. "Sorry, m-y back h-hurts and I-I couldn't put m-my-my shirt on-n." Mingyu fought back tears as he looked at the ground, wringing the shirt in his hands.
"Hey, its okay." Wonwoo walked forward with a soft voice. He put a hand on Mingyu's right arm. His thumb rubbed circles on his bicep as the taller looked at Wonwoo. "It's okay, let's go to the couch so I can help you, alright? Seungcheol can you get your first aid kit." Wonwoo only looked back for a second before running his hand down Mingyu's arm to his hand, then slowly leading the Husky hybrid to the couch in the next room.
"Yeah, it's in my room bathroom, let me get it." Seungcheol ran past them and got to his room quickly.
"Just lay on your stomach, okay?" Wonwoo slowly helped the man lay down. Wonwoo flinched slightly as Mingyu whined and his ears flattened to his head. "I am so sorry this happened to you." Wonwoo whispered and put a hand on Mingyus head. Mingyu's hair fell off his eyes and wonwoo was finally able to see the bright icy blue. Wonwoo gave a soft grin and slowly rubbed his thumb over his wet hair, he saw Mingyu visibly relax a little more as his thumb pet his head.
"Here you go, I don't really know what is in it though." Seungcheol made Wonwoo break eye contact, but his hand remained.
"Thank you, tell Jeonghan to finish up the food so Mingyu can eat when I am done." Wonwoo's voice was stronger when talking to his friend, but he was still calm and soft. Seungcheol gave a nod then walked back to the kitchen. Wonwoo took his hand away from Mingyu's head but heard him give a small whine again, this time in want of his touch again.
"Okay, this will hurt a little and I am so sorry, but please trust me okay? Grab onto me or the pillow if it hurts to much but down hurt your jaw." Wonwoo pulled out cleaner and gauze to clean through his cuts. Wonwoo soked the ball of gauze then leaned forward to Mingyu.
"Wait, where do I grab onto you?" Mingyu stopped Wonwoo quickly to ask. Wonwoo held Mingyu's hand and brought it up to his arm, knowing it would hurt a little less on his bicep.
"Okay, ready?" Wonwoo looked into the others blue eyes and he nodded. Wonwoos touch was smooth and soft, but Mingyu still groaned and grabbed onto Wonwoo's arm. Some of his cuts had opened in the shower making the cleaner sting even more.
"Wonwoo, please." Mingyu whined out and looked up at wonwoo. "Make it stop, please." Tears were streaming out of Mingyus eyes, almost making the other tear up as well. Wonwoo took his hand closest to Mingyus face away from his back and ran it through the others hair. He pushed it put of his face then ran his hands slowly and smoothly across the Husky's face.
"I am so sorry, please don't cry, I am right here." Wonwoos voice was soft and calm enough to help Mingyu. His hand didn't leave his face as wonwoo moved his other slowly across his back again, he flinched but didn't cry out. "I have to do this, okay? I am half way there, do you want me to move my hand?"
"No." Mingyu moved his head down a little so wonwoo's hand was rested on top of his head. "Finish, please." Wonwoo started moving his fingers on his head slowly then looked back to Mingyus wounds. He dabbed at the cuts slowly, not letting his other hand rest as it calmed Mingyu more. Wonwoo kept whispering soft things to Mingyu, making sure he knew he was safe, and that he was almost done.
When all the cuts were cleaned, Wonwoo put down the soked gauze and grabbed longer rolls of it.
"I will have to use both hands for this, but it will hurt a little less okay?" Wonwoo looked at Mingyu to see him already staring. He quickly nodded as a response. "You will also have to sit up a little, this will wrap around your full torso." Mingyu moved his hands up to push himself up, and with some difficulty and help from Wonwoo he was able to sit near the edge of the couch. Wonwoo stood up and leaned around the hybrid and started banding rolls of gauze around his back and torso. As he went back and forth he felt Mingyu's deep eyes stare into him but he never halted.
After the gauze was done, wonwoo also wrapped an ace bandage around so the gauze won't unravel to easily. This had to be slightly tighter than the gauze, making Mingyu whine again. Every time he made a noise Wonwoo would stop and look up putting a hand to Mingyu's head or face, and reassure him he was almost done in a soft voice. This would calm him down for a few minutes, till he wanted Wonwoo to pet him again. Wonwoo secured the bandage with two small metal clips and looked up into Mingyus eyes.
"Okay, were done now. Are you okay, it isn't to tight or anything." Wonwoo put both hands on either side of Mingyu's face, the two having a mini staring contest.
"No, it's fine." Mingyu grinned a small bit, letting Wonwoo know he was being sincere. "Thank you, Wonwoo."
"It was my pleasure, Mingyu." Wonwoo also smiled at the hybrid. "I'll help you with your shirt, then you can go get some food."
Wonwoo let go of the tallers face and leaned over to where Mingyu dropped his shirt on the end of the couch. He grabbed it and positioned it till his hands held the bottom as well as the arm holes. He brought it up to Mingyus right arm, helping him pull his arm through so he doesn't move his back as much. Putting his left arm through was harder, he had to move it up so his back was strained.
"Okay, go slowly." Wonwoo spoke to the hybrid as he tried to lift his arm. Mingyu went slowly, letting Wonwoo guide his arms. They worked together to be able to get the shirt on the tall Hybrid.
"Can we get food now?" Mingyu asked quietly while looked down at the ground. Wonwoo smiled and ruffled his hair, making the other look up with a smile.
"Come on." Wonwoo helped Mingyu stand up, then walked with him back into the kitchen. "You guys got food for him?"
"Yes!" Jeonghan was apparently very happy to put out a plate of food on the counter for Mingyu to eat. The boys watched as Mingyu eyed the food hungrily, but waited till it was on the counter for him to walk forward and start eating.
"Thank you so much, Jeonghan!" Mingyu said in a super loud voice, barely taking two bites of food.
"Its no problem really, but I really think you need a hair cut." Jeonghan put a hand up, trying to ruffle Mingyus hair, but he ducked away and growled slightly. "Oh, sorry."
"Only Wonwoo." Mingyu suddenly spoke in a cute voice and looked over at the sharp faced man. "Can you cut my hair?"
"Well, Mingyu, it probably won't look very good... Jeonghan has cut hair before and I haven't." Wonwoo tried to convince the hybrid to let the other touch his head, but he stood firm.
"Then it looks weird, I don't care." Mingyu started eating again, the other boys going silent. They all stood around and watched Mingyu eat quickly. Even though he ate so fast, he wasn't messy.
"Do you mind if I ask what your powers are?" Seungcheol broke the silence. Mingyu paused and turned toward the boys again.
"You didn't guess? I can communicate with other dogs, that's why I make so many noises."


Terrible ending, and this was purely Meanie cause... I wanted to and also got carried away woops.
I promise we will get the the Junhao next chapter.... well, at least minghao will be introduced......

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