High school <two>

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"Now, we have a new student!" The gym teacher said. "Let's see what she can do!" I could hear him yell from where I sat inside, even on the second floor. Apparently I wasn't the only one intrigued as all of the people in my row looked out the window, along with some others.

I could see Lisa slowly get up and walk to the start line on the track. She bent her back slightly and leaned forward. Everyone start cheering as the gym teacher yelled for her to start. She took off, obviously faster than anyone, probably in the whole school. She kept the same super fast pace the whole time till she passed the line once again. Everyone started cheering again, even some of the people in the school. She looked up to the school and started laughing, even over all the sound I could hear her angelic laugh. We all calmed down as she sat down on the bleachers. 

"Okay, sit down." The teacher said. "Back to learning." Everyone sat down, but I still kept glancing down at the new girl. No wonder her body is perfect, she is an athlete, and a good one at that. The rest of the class was boring and it felt like it dragged on for forever. So I was startled by the bell, finally it was lunch time. As I made my way to my locker I listened in on some conversations.

"Yeah, she could easily beat everyone!" I'm guessing they were talking about Lisa. Today was her first day and she already had everyone loving her.

"Apparently Lisa is also in dance, I wonder if she's any good." 

"Of course she is, she's fast, beautiful, smart, and is tough. She is good at everything." The other responds. 

Dance, huh? I think to myself. I wonder if she's in my class. I shake the thought out of my head and focus on putting my stuff in my locker and grabbing my lunch. I started walking to the cafeteria, but didn't stop when I got there. I kept walking to the door in the back, that led to a small little yard that students were able to eat in. I didn't stop at the tables, not even in the shade of the trees, I kept walking to the corner of the yard. Under a tiny tree that gives little shade. As I sat down a pulled out my lunch. I was expecting to be quiet as it usually is outside, but I was wrong. I looked up when there was suddenly a rush of voices and noise. I looked up and saw Sehun and Lisa walk outside. They were both talking to other people around them, some of their friends as well. As I watched I saw Sehun look at me for a second, I looked away quickly but suddenly Sehun leaned down and said something in her ear. I could hear her giggle travel through the yard, Sehun  was apparently very funny to her. 

The voices died down a little after the new couple sat down at a table. But it grew as a couple of boys came out and joined them. Well the boys and their girlfriends, for the time being. The group of boys were known as the schools group of fuck-boys and players. I never really knew there was a difference but thinking about what Lisa said this morning, I guess there was. I just haven't caught it yet. 

After I finished my small lunch I made my way back toward the door to the cafeteria, I usually go back and sit in my classroom since my teacher stayed in there for lunch. I grabbed the handle but was stopped by a strong hand on my shoulder. It spun me around to face Sehun and his little group. All of their girls were sitting at the table admiring there respective boyfriend. I tried to keep a straight face, but in reality I was terrified. These boys were bigger than me, and much stronger. 

"Where are you going so soon?" Sehun said with a smirk. 

"Inside, I finished my lunch." I say in a small but steady voice. 

"But it's a wonderful day." An angelic voice said. The boys turned to see Lisa with an innocent face on, but evil eyes. 

"Yes, but-" Only when I was cut off did I notice my voice didn't sound steady at all. 

"Oh, come on!" Lisa said in a pout. I glanced over at Sehun to see a surprised face. 

"I wouldn't want to disrupt the group of fuck-boys and hoes." My voice was small but I didn't even know I said it out loud till I said the last word. Sehun automatically grabbed me and slammed me up on a wall, his arm pushing hard on my neck.

"You want to say that again, pretty boy?" Sehun spat as I struggled to breathe, grabbing at him arm, but it was pointless. 

"Sehun." A voice said behind him. He whirled his head around but after a moment stepped back. I started coughing and doubled over. 

"See, look what you did to the poor boy." Y/n reached down and put a hand on my back, and one pulling up my chin. "He shouldn't have done that." Before I could smile, in one fluid motion she brought her arm from my back to my face, hard. I stumbled back but didn't fall. "He should have let me get to you first." She spat in a hard and fierce voice. She went up to me again, punching my jaw, I could hear it crack, she punched me one more time when I was on the ground and turned away. Sehun went up and checked her hands, probably making sure the blood was only mine and not hers. I curled up and didn't move. I could hear them all start moving. Soon enough I felt them all start kicking me, hard. My back and legs ached and when one hit my shoulder blade my arms moved enough so they could it my stomach as well, I was hit all over, my back, head, arms, stomach, even face.

I stayed curled up till I knew no one was around. I rolled on my back, coughing into the grass. I could barely move, and my head ached. The sky was as clear as ever but I couldn't even hear the birds. The ringing in my head never stopped, and my vision slowly started to blur. I could feel my eyelids droop lower and lower till they were fully closed.

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