Unseelie Slot Two: Melia

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The best type of action is a transaction.

Name: There is old magic in names. To know someone's real name is to have power over them. Call her Melia.

Age: Yes, that's a thing she has.

Gender: Female

Faction: Unseelie Fae

Appearance: Pride in one's physical appearance is something that strictly belongs to those who still find enough youth in them to give a damn or are too vain to stop. Regardless, Melia has somehow found a way to belong to both groups simultaneously— although you should never tell her that. The Fae are fascinated with beauty so it's only natural that she stop to check her hair or adjust the shade of her lipstick ever so slightly. Her hair is dark, her eyes are dark, and should you ever look close enough you'll see little difference between where pupil ends and iris begins. Her jewelry and piercings are made of iron—toxic, yes, she's aware. But necessary, she assures you. However, the way she looks hardly matters in the grand scheme of things. There are only two times that you will notice her enough for those minuscule details to be anything of importance. The first will be pleasant. The second, less so.

Personality: The Fae are rather curious creatures. They're prone to poking their noses where they shouldn't belong. For some Fae, there is no greater pleasure that experiencing the world through as many different mediums as possible. Melia, however, has always found her fascination to be elsewhere. She's engrossed by the idea of interaction, especially between mortals. In fact, she makes her living as a private eye, which is the only thing that seems to satisfy her desire to understand human behavior. However, her main trade of choice is in debts. The Fae are very strict when it comes to the idea of contracts and there are few who can work the system better than she can. Should you find yourself cornered by a more dangerous being—perhaps a demon, or maybe a dragon— she will come rushing to your aid. But a word to the wise: to a Fae, nothing is for free. Once the words "thank you" have crossed your lips, you owe her a debt and her prices are much less than conventional. Melia is hot-tempered, easy to insult, and often standoffish. It's better to stay on her good side or to stay out of her way entirely.


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