Demon Slot One: Aboleth

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I have walked through fire.

Name: Aboleth "Abbie"

Age: Even she doesn't know at this point. She's lied about it so many times.

Gender: The body she's in right now is female, and she prefers female form. But she's flexible.

Faction: Child of Hell

Apperence: Abbie currently has feathered brown hair and brown eyes. There are small freckles in random places around her body, and her skin is on the tanner side. She looks well groomed, and likes to keep it that way.

Personality: Abbie is a troublemaker who loves mischief. Usually this mischief results in someone's death, but harm, no foul right? Uh, maybe that's not the saying. Whatever. Abbie just cruises through life, not really caring for anyone but herself. She's flippant and lazy, only working when there's something in it form her.

Other: Abbie is fond of sex, and isn't picky who she brings to bed.

Author Games: Empty NightWhere stories live. Discover now