Wraith Slot One: Liam Hughes

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Basically just a big teddy bear with anger management issues.

Name: Liam Hughes

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Faction: Wraiths

Appearance: When he was alive, Liam could have been described as handsome. Something about him seemed to somehow attract every girl, and sometimes boy, he came across. They couldn't tell you what it was that made him so dazzlingly attractive. Maybe it was his deep blue eyes or his blonde curls. Maybe it was the sharpness of his cheeks or the way his lips twitched when he was trying not to laugh. It could have been the leanness of his body, or his dimples, or the air of solemness that seemed to follow him wherever he went. But whatever it was, it didn't matter. Not after he eventually dragged every single one of them off to bed.

Personality: In life, Liam was probably the most charming guy you'd ever met. He was sweet and witty and handsome, and his pick up lines would send any sane person head over heels for him. But that was how he used to be. Oh sure, he's still witty and charming and handsome. But mostly the only emotion he feels now is anger. Of course, if you'd been stabbed in the chest seventeen times with a knife by your ex-girlfriend, you might be a little angry too. He is entirely unpredictable, and almost anything can send him over the edge. One minute, he'll be laughing along with you and the next he'll be flipping tables around the room. Almost everything annoys him, and if you even think about trying to poke him you'll wind up smashed through a now broken coffee table. He tries in vain to manage his anger by listening to Mozart and meditating, but it only serves to make him more ticked off.

Other: Don't make fun of him, but he loves teddy bears. Something about their thick warm fur and their cuddly softness seem to remind him of a better time. You know, when he wasn't dead.

Author Games: Empty Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن