Quarterfinals: The Storm

84 6 11

Mal Lilystone


Liam Hughes

Unfortunately, the Seelie Court of Chicago is an opponent which cannot be slain in a single engagement by an investigator, regardless of their individual might. You know something which they wish you did not-- and they will pursue you to the ends of the earth to keep you silent as the grave.

As Fae, however, this expression is somewhat more literal than usual.

There is only three things to do, now: go to ground, survive, and if possible contact your respective factions to render the pursuit moot. For the moment, at least, the investigation must pause if the investigators are to live to see another day.

It shouldn't be hard to evade an entire faction's worth of angry eldritch beings, right?



-In a word? Survive. You've pissed off a Fae Court, and now you have to lay low for a while. Where and how you do this are totally up to you, as is your level of success.

-As this is the song task, you must also select and match a song from the list in the previous chapter. They will be first come/first serve, so be sure to decide quickly!

Deaths: Nah. Unless you really want to, for plot reasons?

Byes: Three byes will be awarded based on your performances this task. The rest of you will be up for votes, with one tribute leaving us.

Due Date: Saturday, August 4 at 10 PM EST

Author Games: Empty NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon