Vampire Slot One: Mal Lilystone

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Place me in the shadows and like a Lily I will flourish, redirect me to the sunlight and like a candle I will melt.

Name: Mal Lilystone

Age: Physically? 22, but realistically? 128

Gender: Female

Faction: Blood-Drinker

Appearance: with high, prominent cheekbones and skin so fair that it reflects the glistening moonlight, Mal is truly a creature of rare beauty. Her eyes are a sooty Gray and hold within them pieces of the dark secrets that slink through the night and make shadows tremble. Her frame is thin, her shoulders narrow, and her stature a height of 6'0". For her kind, this is a suitable height to impose fear in weak prey. Her lips-full and shaped like the gentle curve of Cupid's bow- are permanently stained with the blood of her victims. With thick, silver hair that falls down her back in natural curls and dark eyelashes she is a striking, lethal weapon of the night. Save for the bite mark gracing the left side of her abdomen, there lies no blemish on her skin.

Personality: Mal does not know the meaning of the word "fear". She has never knelt before anyone threatening her well-being and she will never bow to those meaning harm to her allies. She is incredibly protective, insanely driven, and enigmatically charismatic. Her senses are always on overdrive and she is so acutely aware of even a sliver of something out of place that compel some to consider her OCD. Most times, you will find her with carefully-selected music strumming her brain and enforcing the non-existent beat of her heart. This music serves as a reminder of all of those she has lost on her path to where she has come to be today. She has had too many people come and go in her life to let herself become dependent on any of them. They will never stay. This fact alone makes it nearly impossible for her to trust people and even harder for her to garner enough interest to have any actual intellectual conversation. Maybe one day she'll find someone willing to stay, but she isn't gonna place any bets on it.

Other: Mal was not born this way, and in the last 106 years she's spent in her unlife she's only just beginning to truly come to terms with it. 

Author Games: Empty NightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora