Task Three Entries: Mortal

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Iris Bell

Iris loved nightclubs. So the fact that she was supposed to meet her informer in one was pretty great. She didn't have the best bargaining chip, but at least it was better than nothing. That probably should have been her motto in life. Didn't clean your room properly? It's better than nothing. Accidentally smashed your favorite mug? Well, it's better than nothing. Don't have any information or leads on a murder case that you probably shouldn't be investigating? Oh well, better than nothing. Oh, wait. Never mind. The truth was, she had nothing. So, what did she have to loose? Her life probably, but that was a problem for future Iris.

She tapped her foot as the bouncer to the club scanned her fake ID. The truth was, she wasn't exactly twenty one yet. Or even eighteen. But that wasn't important. What was important was she had to slip pass this guard to investigate a murder. A very important murder at that.

"Fine," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "You can go in. Hey, Mario! Yeah, you. Tell Tony I'm going on break." Iris eyed him warily as he stormed off. She quickly ducked inside the club and immediately headed towards the bar. She hated dancing, but boy did she love drinking. She loved drinking almost as much as she loved Oreos. But not quite. The smells and lights were harsh and glaring as she sat down at the bar. She was nearing a full moon, so her senses were all pretty much enhanced by ten. The usually appealing sound of techno pop was dialed up much to high, and she was sure she could smell every barf puddle in the room.

A black haired Other turned to her and smiled. She could tell he was a Demon because of his smell. They always reeked of fire and burning flesh.

"Can I help you?" he asked softly. Yep, this was the Demon.

"Sure you can help. I need the name of someone who might've gotten an extremely powerful weapon very recently. And I need it now."

"Whoa," Imariel said, putting his hands up in mock self-defense. "Slow down a second. You don't get anything until you give me something."

"I've got a Wraith who might be very interested to meet you," she said. The stupid ghost had been hanging around her crime scene. The Demon shook his head slowly.

"A Wraith?" he asked. "What would I want with a Wraith? I've had enough Wraiths to last me a lifetime. Now, if you had any other souls I might be interested. Preferably alive. Or avocados. Do you have any avocados?"

"No," Iris said, perplexed.

"What a shame," the Demon sighed. "I love avocados. Anyway, time's running out. If you have anything else to bargain with, you better speak up. I don't have all day."

"Sorry," Iris said. "Nothing else."

"Fine, then leave. I hate the smell of Weres. We're done here."

Iris sighed as she got up and walked around to the other side of the bar. There was no point in leaving. She didn't get what she came for so she might as well stay for the drinks.

"Get me a martini," she told the bartender. He nodded and hurried off. She found her attention being pulled over to the Demon again. He was talking to a brown haired girl, a Vampire by the smell of her. The girl was talking animatedly to Imariel, and gestured towards a white haired Vamp about five feet away. They seemed to be striking a deal of some sort, as the brunette grabbed her friend and shoved her into the Demon. Imariel took one look at her, and grabbed her head, kissing her violently. Her skin turned even paler as the life force was sucked out of her. Imariel finally dropped her to the ground, and continued drinking. Iris casually turned her head in his direction as she heard him whisper above all the noise and clatter.

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