Demon Slot Two: Brandy Alva

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Grilled cheese and ham solves 99% of problems.

Name: Brandy Alva

Age: Ah, who has time for that shit? Legal, that's all you need to know.

Gender: Female

Faction: Children of Hell

Appearance: It rather depends on when and who sees her, as it does for anyone. Working the day shift from 9 to 4? Nothing but beer-sloshed, black, loose-fitting uniforms and bubbly expressions. She's probably got the widest smile of anyone you know, with long, silver hair pulled into a ponytail and a fresh night of zero sleep weighing beneath her eyes. It's all about meeting her green eyes to hold a deep conversation and watching her pour a decent shot. At night, it's a bit different. The lights are too dim to catch much besides her tight jeans and prominent floral tattoo. Long, loose hair, pale skin, and winged eyeliner catching attention in hopes of slipping a few bucks onto the dresser in the morning. Though, if you were to ask Brandy, her favorite look is when she's wearing nothing but ratty pajama shorts and a hoodie that dates at least twenty years back. There should be a grilled cheese in one hand and a remote in the other while she picks a new series for her and her son Oz to binge watch.

Personality: If you live in a crappy world with shitty people who do idiotic things, you tend to be a little cynical. You're forced to sit around watching faces change and names fade away but the actions are always the same, cheating husbands, lonely guys looking for something easy, those few that are too drunk to realize what they're asking for until their hands have already roamed too far. For the most part, Brandy just grins and bears it. She keeps up a patient temper and looks the other way as much as she is able. That doesn't mean it's all bad though. Her son makes it a lot better. She may be a tad overprotective, quick-tempered when it comes to anyone trying to hurt him, but she'd like to think she does her best to take care of him or tries anyway.


Author Games: Empty NightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ