Finals: Voting

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All right, everyone! This is the last voting round for Author Games: The Absent Empress. As usual, voting will be a bit different from previous rounds.

To vote, send via PM all four finalists, ranked in order of your preference, with a note after each explaining why you voted the way you did. First place in your ranking will receive three points, second place two, and so on with last place getting nothing. The final rankings will be determined by final point totals. Simple, right? Just to be sure, here's a sample ranking so you get the general idea:

1. Tigaern Tannasg. He knows your darkest secrets. He thinks they're adorable. Fear his cooking.

2. Elswyth, daughter of Idessa. Happy, bright, and completely willing to throw you into shark-infested waters if you touch her flowers.

3. Miyu al thea. The woman who keeps these people from killing themselves every other minute. Spoiler alert: she's better than you.

4. Cyprus of Pagos. Silent snarker. Youngest archmage in the world. His rock collection is the planet.

Everyone get the idea? Good. Just to remind you, our delightful finalists are:

The Cachail

Brandy Alva

Leo Wilder

Ozias Alva

Finalists may vote; however, if they do so they may not put themselves in first place.

Voting closes: Tuesday, September 4 at 10 PM EST

Special awards will go up when I feel like it, or when my body temperature drops below 101 F. Whichever comes first.

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