Seelie Slot One: Penelope Wickers

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Dolls are meant to be pretty things with green glass eyes and porcelain skin that dance on silver wires and never make a sound, but dolls are awfully boring, aren't they?

Name: Penelope Wickers

Age: 352

Gender: Female

Faction: Seelie Fae

Appearance: Who wants something that isn't perfect? Well no one—of course!—but sometimes we have to settle. Penelope Wickers is a blend of perfection and the mundane. Her eyes are beautiful, a shimmering light green in color, not one bigger than the other. But her nose is small and pointy like a witch's hat, and there's barely a bridge at all it's so thin! The thick, pink lips she has are mouthwateringly sweet, yet they're much too small in width. At least her teeth were fixed with a few years of dental wear. Penny's skin is blemish free and would be as smooth as silk if it wasn't for those nasty puncture marks littered beneath her collar; she really ought to learn not pick at those scabs. And well, her hair is a disappointment too. It used to be such a pretty, soft brown, just gorgeous when the sunlight fell across it in the early morning and sent ripples shimmering through. Now it's tainted a bubblegum pink until it grows out long enough to chop it short and correct the mistake. As for her wings, well, those are the most perfect part. All four are a delicate and transparent green as shiny as a dragonfly's that tuck neatly beneath her shirt.

Personality: Dolls aren't meant to do much. They sit on shelves and be quiet and look pretty. Penny has never had a problem being quiet. She's naturally shy, more likely to hide than to let conflict arise, though that isn't to say she has no bite. Karma is a bitch she likes to deliver herself, at least to those she can. When she's working, Penelope gets absorbed by her job at every turn. Being a private investigator is a nasty, messy business, but curiosity has always pushed her through. When she's not working, the girl is much more of a free spirit. She likes to go hiking or visit parks when she isn't spending quality time with Simon or sleeping inside a tissue box (they're quite cozy).


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