Task One: The Call

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There is an unseasonable chill in the air; the humans of Chicago clutch their coats and shiver, unsure why the weather has turned for the worse. 

Something has changed, they know-- but how?

The Others watch the first ripples spread throughout the city. The Fae Courts watch with quiet murmurs; the demons consider how to turn events to their advantage. The wraiths shudder at the memory of the psychic scream. Outrage tinged with fear begins to creep into the tightened lips and flinches of the dragons.

Something has changed, they know, but why?



-Welcome to Author Games: Empty Night! Let's get down to business.

-As our intrepid investigators, you obviously need to visit the scene of the crime--that is, Dorian's luxurious home. Your entry must end with your arrival at the scene (encountering the other investigator(s) is entirely optional.)

-That's the only real requirement this round, but I'd recommend some character establishment, why they're doing this, etc. What that means precisely for your character is left to your discretion.

-Sponsorships are this round! Remember to impress (and not deliberately try to throw your entry to avoid it. Gosh, who would do something as counter-intuitive as that?)

The Clue

Once per round, I will provide a clue about the identity of the killer. Maybe a cunning writer could spot where the clues point?

The prince's killer hails not from on high.

Deaths: Two ballot kills, to be submitted with your entry.

Due Date: Friday, May 4 at 10 PM EST.

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