Enlightened Slot Two: Garnon Silverlight

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Blood and agony rules the world. Become the cause of it, and you are the ruler.

Name: Garnon Silverlight

Age: No

Gender: Male, if such a triviality ever concerned him.

Faction: Enlightened

Appearance: Garnon was born into a family of council members, so has both fae and fallen blood coursing through his veins. But the beauty that came with that blood is long gone now: his body is but a shell of its former self. His eyes he gouged out himself, to protect his soul, and his tongue soon followed. The husk he lives in now is starved of nutrition—held together only by magic. The robes he wears are leather, human leather, darkened by time and blood, and a sacrificial knife, equally stained and with a soul of its own, is his only company.

Personality: Power entices Garnon the way a flame entices a moth. He has given up everything but his life in the name of power, not just his eyes and ability to speak, but all love and compassion is also noticeably missing. Though he is mortal, for now, every trivial detail of his past life, his background, age and gender are all lost to him. He has given it all up, and it was worth it, for power is the only purpose he was given life.


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