Chapter 2

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Madara's POV

Age: 2

Both me and Izuna were fed up.

Honestly, fed up.

Our mother, who was named Shina, had placed us in matching blue full body pyjamas with hoods.

I had a bunny ear hood while Izuna had cat like ears on his hood. The Uchiha symbol on each breast, right for mine and left for Izuna's.

Safe to say, I was not pleased.

Apparently we were going to meet the Uchiha heir who was born exactly nine days before us.

Irony at its best.

Exactly 189 days difference from my old birthday.

"Shina-Chan! How're you?" A mildly attractive woman greeted our mother at a door, a smile on her face as she balanced a two year old boy on her hip.

'Our mother is holding two.' Izuna said, trying to one up the woman.

We both had this thing to compare our mother to others, which every time, meant our mother was better in some way.

"I am fine Mikoto, so are Izuna and Midaro," Still not over the fact I was born as a female. "How is little Itachi-Kun?"

'Weasel? Who would name their child WEASEL?' I complained to Izuna, already feeling hate for the new born.

Said new born was watching us, rather quietly. He looked like a smaller version of Izuna when he was born for the first time. Big, wide, onyx eyes with dark hair, dressed in a black onesie with the Uchiha symbol in the middle of his chest.

If I didn't have the mentality of a 100+ year old male Uchiha I would have said he was quite adorable.

"Yes, he is quite excited to meet the two of them." Mikoto smiled as she let us all in.

As our mother walked towards what seemed like a living room, I caught sight of a five year old boy who was standing stock still next to an older man.

"Shisui, don't forget to train well." The older man said as they both began walking to the exit, barely giving us a glance.

I managed to catch sight of this 'Shisui' who seemed extremely frustrated with the older man, yet tensed when he saw me.

"Yes father," He said as he walked past. "Are they Torui's heirs?"

The older man glanced over, noticing our mother with a glare, before looking back down at Shisui. "Yes. They are Izuna and Midaro Uchiha. The Fire Breather's heirs."

Izuna seemed to scowl at that.

'All Shinobi can breath fire. What is special about this 'Torui' when he wasn't even able to be at his heirs birth?'

'Ignore the bad parenting skills of both of our fathers, brother.'

We were finally set down on a soft carpet, once more decorated with the Uchiha symbol. Itachi was set three feet away from us as the mothers disapeared. Izuna was huddled close to me, eying down the Uchiha Heir across from us.

This action annoyed me as Izuna was eying down a baby. A child who could not even use his chakra yet.

'He could be like us!' Was Izuna's apparent excuse.

As we began to argue over the fact that a baby who showed no signs of being 'reborn', Itachi managed to crawl towards us and lean on me. I was no sanwhiched between two Uchiha babies.

My infamous anger was begining to appear as Izuna complained like the baby he currently was.

My right fist hit his soft head with force as he whimpered.

"Midaro, do not hit your brother!" I could hear mother shouting.

'How!? She was in the other room!' I complained mentally. The intuition of a mother was way to strong.

Itachi had drifted to sleep on me as Izuna decided to explore, telling me to wait there.

'Stupid Uchiha boys,' I spat mentally. 'I am Madara Uchiha, masterer of all basic chakra natures and the Yin-Yang natures, able to perform thousands of Shadow Clones, cause meteors to fall from the sky and could proberly do more once Zetsu decided to make his ass move faster!'

The weight I called an annoyence finally left once Izuna returned and our mother returned, saying it was time to go home and that 'us poor babies needed our rest after staying up for so long'.

Pah, I used to stay up for weeks without sleep and going off just chakra.

This was nothing.


I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of this book. This chapter was to show the future either friendship or relationship between Madara/Midaro and Itachi, if the people I have asked wanted that.

Also for Midaro to sort of meet Shisui, who was a possibility of romance.

Thank for you reading.

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