Chapter 4

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Madara POV

Age: 5

'You smell that?'

'That huge demon chakra that smells like angsty teen?'

I merely nodded, heading for our mother. She was barely noticing me as I gripped her wrist and tugged her to the door.

"Mother, mother! I wanna go see the secret hidden safe areas!" I cheered as a child I was seen as, forcing her out of the door as Izuna grabbed as many supplies and things to entertain us for possibly a month or so.

I can smell the Kyuubi from here. It smells of hate and cat chakra.

"My oh my, Midaro. We can always do it another day, it is so late already!" Mother hummed, not bothering to stop me from dragging her.

Now, all I wonder is if the safe bunker is in the same place as Tobirama built it, the sceeming f*cker.

'Just looked at our 'father's maps of the village, same place.'

I turned to our mother just as the overpowering chakra blasted through the village, placing her under a quick sleeping genjutsu.

My hands moved into the simple transformation jutsu, my original male body picking up my mother.

I jumped over roof tops quickly as I aimed for the hidden entrence instead of the one people were slowly flooding in through. Never good to follow the masses. It leads to death, most of the time.

'The Kyuubi has been spotted.'

'Shit, plan U.'

'Really, there?'

'Just go!'

My feet skidded on the mountain side, twisting mother around to be on my back, and launched towards where the Kyuubi was.

Plan U as in Uchiha; head for the threat and take it out.

As I passed some people heading for the safe bunker, I passed mother over to a young ANBU.

"M-M-M-M-" He/She trailed off, looking at me in horror.

"If I so much as see a piece of dust on her," I glared and leaned in to the masked face. "I will ruin Konoha in a matter of seconds."

I turned around and pushed chakra in my feet, heading straight for the Kyuubi. I had yet to gain the Sharingan in this form but I suppose just seeing me will make the damn beast lay down for a minute.

"Madara!" I heard Izuna yell out, flanking me as we leaped over what was the Uchiha compound.

I spotted Itachi, a young girl and Sasuke traveling to the safe bunker, all looking terrified.

Itachi turned his head to the left just a bit to spot me, shock in his eyes as me and Izuna disapeared from his sight.

"Shit," I hissed, spotting the giant fox. "Izuna, get started on the seals."

He seemed to glare at the bag by his side.

"Don't know why I had to learn them," He muttered angerly. "That Uzumaki woman was a pain to get past."

I ignored the big baby as I launched into the fray, landing next to a familier body.

Hiruzen Sarutobi choked on his own saliva as I landed next to him, looking at me with more fear than was aimed at the Kyuubi.

"Madara Uchiha," He whispered as I kept my eyes on the giant pest. "Y-You're supposed to b dead!"

"There is a wonderful thing called Rebirth, you old son of a wench." I snapped, clapping my hands together as the Kyuubi finally spotted me.

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