Chapter 10

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Madara's POV


"I don't know why we do this."

Izuna sat on his branch as I stood, nearby a road where a trio of small academy children ran around the nearby corner .

"Because Naruto has a soft spot for them," I answered. "Plus, I have a bad feeling."

Izuna rolled his eyes, lifting his hands into jazz signals. "Oh no...! You have a bad feeling!"

I glared.

"When has my intuition ever led us astray? Come on." I snapped, swatting at his head.

Izuna tilted his head, mulling the thought over as I looked back down.

One of the three kids, Konohamaru, had bumped into a Suna genin. The Suna genin cluched Konohamaru's scarf just as Naruto came running around the corner with his useless team mate.

I hate her.

"Hey, let him go!" Naruto shouted.

My heart seemed to warm as I watched my son- wait what? I mean- Naruto yell at the possibly stronger ninja. He stormed over to take a swing just before he tripped over seemingly nothing.

Except, there were chakra strings. Thin but a pale blue that glowed ever so slightly.

"That little-" I hissed, crouching down.

Naruto let out a yell of shock as he fell on his ass, rubbing his forehead.

"Naruto, you idiot!" Sakura hissed, taking a step back.

A chakra signal suddenly flared up to my left and underneath my branch. Izuna looked over to nod as he prepared for a dramatic enterence.

"Make me, brats." The Suna genin mocked.

"Kankuro." Another Suna genin, a girl this time, snapped. "He might be around."

'Kankuro' seemed to pale slightly, gripping Konohamaru's scarf just a bit tighter which made the small boy let out a shriek.

A rock suddenly flew at the duo, Izuna taking this as his show time.

Izuna flashed to the Kankuro boy as caught the rock, crunching it with his fist. He turned slowly to smile at Kankuro, glaring slightly as well.

"That is our prised Hokage's grandson there," He said loudly. "I suggest you put him down before I and my sister make you."

Kankuro flinched and dropped Konohamaru, who scuttled over to Naruto.

"Uncle Izuna!" Naruto yelled, smiling. "Is mom here then?"

I flinched at that.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-'


'You traitor!'

Izuna merely sent me a smirk as everyone turned to look at me.

I must of scared them with my passive look, since all but Naruto and Izuna flinched violently.

Am I really that scary?

'You have your Mangekyo activated, glaring like a demon from Hell and not to mention you are doing your 'I will kill you all in the most painful way possible' stance.'


I relaxed my stance and jumped down, catching Sasuke as he tried to land as well. Said boy scrambled out of my hold and walked to Izuna, his face flushed angrily. Izuna chuckled and patted his head as a red haired boy appeared next to the Suna genin.

'Must be his team mates.'

'No duh.'

Izuna was given a glare from me. He stuck his tounge out at me before crouching down to the Genins level.

Sometimes, I love being tall. Other times, it's a pain.

The red headed kid glared at Izuna, I could actually feel the hate from here. I returned the glare twice fold as Izuna merely grinned.

"Hey! Whatcha doin' in Konoha, kiddies?" He chirped. I winced.

"You sound like a pedo," I muttered as Naruto snorted quietly. "Wouldn't be surprising."

Izuna stood up slowly and turned to me. He smiled with a dark aura before launching himself at me.

We tumbled to the floor as Naruto let out a shocked sound.

"YOU BITCH!" Izuna yelled as he took a swing.

I blocked it as we began a cursing war.

Thank heaven Kakashi appeared and took the children far far away.



We were chained in the Hokage's office, sitting on the floor pouting. ANBU had to break us apart as others kept civilians away.

"She started it!" Izuna yelled childishly. "She called me a pedo!"

"You were crouching down, in front of three Suna genin. Smiling like an idiot and called them kiddies." I answered the questioning look from Hiruzen.

He slowly nodded as Izuna tried to launch at me, snapping his teeth. I replied to it with a growl and launched off the floor to him.

"Not again! ANBU!"

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