Chapter 8

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Madara POV

Age: 17

The rock seemed to snap like a twig as we snuck into the cave.

Foroti and Hinayadoru seemed to know me, one in denial about me being female, which I loved him for, and the other merely rolling with it.

I lifted my hand to do Uchiha hand sign language, AKA 'Izuna, get the Hyuuga and scout this shit'.

He nodded and gripped Hidoyu's shoulder, tugging him away.

Hidoyu was a shy boy, sticking near me and away from the other boys.

Mostly cause he saw a mother figure in me.

Hisssss- cough.

Foroti and Hinayadoru- I am just calling him Doru. To long of a name. We stuck along a few cave edges, staying as quiet as possible. The boys were like pros at it, not making a sound nor scuffle.

Foroti stayed at the back, glaring at me with his devil like red eyes.

He reminded me and Izuna of a man we both despised. He also had short, scruffy white hair. He also wore the exact same outfit as that man when he was a child.

Doru had long brown hair in a man bun and always seemed to sparkle. It was so strange. He wore clothes the same as Hashirama used to and always smiled at me.

They were both weird and either they hated/adored me.

We kept sneaking until we came to a cross roads with light, one way I could not reach since we did not want to risk jumping over and creating even a bit of noise. The other had a low roof and had to make us crouch.

I chose the silent option, even if I got backache later.

Meh, I'll get Naruto to roll over it a few times.

I bent down and put my back to the wall, going on my tip toes as well as I shuffled along. The boys copied as we continued for a bit.

Once we reached a door, I dropped down silently. Doru quickly followed as Foroti waited for a second, still above us.

I gripped the door and slowly opened it, not a sound leaving it.

In the background, I heard a large explosion. It was Izuna, I could tell from the mass cackling.

I ducked into the room, heading straight for the desk. It was a lovely mahogany desk with red trim, paper on it in every section.

I pulled out a kunai and began to carve into the wood, making sure it was very noticeable.

Foroti appeared next to me and seemed to snort quietly, letting me grab him and Doru to transport us outside where Izuna and Hidoyu met us.

Hidoyu looked terrified, shaking as his Byakugan was trained on the large mountain.

"Run." I snapped, bolting away with the Senjus on my shoulders.

Foroti cursed as Hiyadoru cheered, Izuna following quickly.


"Dammit." Pein/Nagato hissed, walking to his office.

A strange duo appeared, lighting their kitchen on fire. Hidan lost an arm, Itachi lost his dango, Kakuzu got his money burnt and Sasori almost lit up like a firework.

Deidara enjoyed every second of the explosion.

Pein pushed his door open, tiredly rubbing his Rinnegan eyes. Konan followed loyaly, keeping silent.

Pein ran his eyes across the room before landing on his desk. Words were carved into the priceless and old desk.

'Tell the Uchiha elder to fuck off, he touched the clan. His master is not pleased. PS- KONOHAGAKURE RULES FUCKERS!'



Everyone in Konohagakure shivered, rubbing their arms.

Kakashi merely looked to the sky and narrowed his eye.

Naruto was trapped to a wooden pole as Sasuke shuffled closer slowly, Sakura merely fawning at the Uchiha.

Of course he got the useless group

Naruto suddenly looked up with a nervous grin as Sasuke paled drastically.

"What, cat got your tounges?" Kakashi taunted, grinning evilly under his mask.

Sasuke shook his head slowly.

"No but Mom will have yours and your neck, Kakashi-Sensei." Naruto answered, paling slowly.

Kakashi turned around to face two pissed off Uchiha adults who had trusting issues. He also paled.

Safe to say, Kakashi ended up in the hospital for a few days.

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