Chapter 12

475 19 22

Madara's POV


"How many bodies are allowed to be found?"

"As many as you want."




Izuna stared at me as I repeatedly beat Otogakure shinobi to death with my fists and a bit of chakra.

"THAT'S IT, FUCKING DIE! THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T PISS OFF AN UCHIHA, BITCH!" The man's skull caved under my fist, blood exploding around us.

I frowned, glaring slightly. "Damn, that's the thirtieth one." I muttered, growling slightly.

"I think we should now focus on the giant snake summon," Izuna called out, stabbing a nearby shinobi.

A loud crunch happened next to me as a snake head dropped just barely a meter away.

"Well I just shat my pants." I muttered, raising a fist and focused chakra into it.

I turned on my feet and slammed my fist into the snake head, making it cave and fly away from me. It landed almost two miles away on top of a bunch of shops, falling like a chain. Many people screamed as Izuna herded civilians away.

It was my job to kill anything trying to harm the civilians while Izuna kept them far away.

Shisui suddenly dropped down next to me, looking serious. "Orders?"

"Kill all enemies." I demanded, once more turning on my heel and heading towards where the majority of the fighting was happening with Izuna and Shisui following.

'Uchiha brigade, bitches. Move.'

If it wasn't so serious around us, I would of snorted.

I was at home in this battle, killing like the machine I knew I was.

To bad I was a bit more emotional.

We jumped over another roof top before Izuna got swatted by a snake tail.

Time seemed to slow for me as he was hit and tossed like a rag doll. Rage and chakra filled my entire body as I snapped at Shisui to continue.

I began to quickly gather chakra in my stomach.

"Katon: Goka Mekkyaku." I muttered and released the pent up chakra in a mass destructive wall of fire.

The snake was caught on fire quicker than oil and screamed, shaking and spasming like it was electrocuted.

Izuna was back on his feet next to me by the time the snake fully disapeared and was nothing but ashes.

He whistled and patted my shoulder.

"A woman's wrath is nothing compared to Madara Uchiha becoming an Uchiha female." He muttered as he created a few shadow clones, who ran off to collect civilians.

"Wanna tag team?" I asked, staring at the ashes with a satisfied smirk.

It deserved that after hitting Izuna.

"Only if I get to use the Susanoo."

I merely nodded as we activated our Susanoos. Mine turned to stare into the eye of a three headed snake, heading for us.

'Turn motherfucker, turn!"

Izuna quickly turned as we caught the snake heads, one of our hands each on the middle head.

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