Chapter 14

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Madara's POV

Age: 17

'So we are communicating via chakra links?'

'Yes that is correct. Now give me info or an insight to your mind.'

'How do I do that?'

'Like this.'


I jolted slightly, breathing quietly as I felt taller. I was in a dark place, chakra signatures around me.

"Well shit," I muttered, flexing my arm. "That didn't go well."

"What are you talking about, Itachi-San?" Someone asked as light finally filled the room, showing a dark cave with a few seats.

"Aparently my possession. Now where is that fuck-boy?" I bluntly said as I didn't take a step.

I knew that when I swapped bodies with either Itachi or Izuna, our eyes automatically go into the Mangekyo Sharingan of the possessor. It was cool but really fucked things up at times.

"Who are you talking about, Itachi-San, un?" Another person asked as I turned to look at a blonde.

I let out a whistle, appreciating the view. "Well hello there." I flashed next to the blonde, slyly grinning. "The name's Uchiha. Madara Uchiha."

Someone tensed to my right as I laid an arm around the blonde.

"What's your name, sexy?" I purred, smirking slowly.

"Itachi-San... your eyes are different, yeah. Not like your actual Sharingan crap. Un." The blonde mumbled as I tensed.

Fuck. Cover blown.

"Shit. Gotta contact bitch boy," I mumbled as I lifted a hand to my ear. "Yo, bitch boy. Give me the identities of your bitches."

'Madara-Sama. Please do not call me that. I've just sent them.'

"Ding!" I called out, walking around in a circle as I began 'downloading' the info.

"You. Where is Itachi?" A deep voice boomed as I swiveled around, meeting purple ringed eyes.

I grinned. "Nice to know there is an Uzumaki that can actually acticated the Rinnegan! Poor baby of mine doesn't have enough Uzumaki blood since only purebloods can fully use it without getting fucked!"

Silence echoed around the cave as I paused. "No wait. You were nor born with it. Uzumaki's can not be born with them, since fuck king Hagoromo decided it should only be in his direct line of blood!" I paused again, feeling a familiar presence tense rapidly.

"Itachi, what are you talking about?" Pein, I finally got the info, boomed. He stared at me with mild hatred as I smirked.

"Your Rinnegan is not yours!" I taunted as someone sneaked up behind me. I snapped around to face Obito and grabbed his arm, swinging him over me and trapping his with my right foot.

"Bad, bad Uchiha!" I chirped, smiling with closed eyes. Everyone seemed to hold their breath.

"Itachi-Sama... why?" Obito said in a strained childish voice.

'Ohhh right! He is 'Tobi' currently, right?'

"Didn't you here, dobe?" I whispered as I bent down to stare him into the eye. "I'm. Not. Itachi."

Someone launched themselves at me, tackling me off Obito. "Rape!" I shrieked, punching the guy in the face.

He yelled, thrown back as he clutched his face. "You bastard!"

Hidan tilted his head forward as he let the blood drip down his face, hissing curse words at me.

I giggled, probably sounding very weird and creepy. My features stoned for a second as I realised that.

"I should never giggle again-" I grabbed Samehada with my hand, staring it down as it tried to take my chakra. "I was born and died before you were created, little shark. I know of ways to make you burn without moving an inch."

The sword was taken away from me as I jumped into the air, flipping as I sent a fire jutsu to Sasori. "Now, who are you?" He asked, staring at me.

"I would not mind making him one of my very own puppets," I murmered, grinning pervertedly. "If ya know what I mean!"

I chuckled as he glared, dodging pieces of paper while in the air. An explosion went off next to me as I turned, kicking off the paper lady, Konan.

"Now, now, Deidara! No need to want me that badly!" I stood on the ceiling. "I mean, I know us Uchihas are sexy as Hell but please. There is enough Madara to go around."

"You are not Madara." Obito hissed in my ear as I slipped around and grabbed his throat.

"Obito." I snarled. His eyes widened in shock before glaring. "You killed our clan. Where was that in our plan?"

"How do you know that? Madara is dead." Obito hissed.

"Reincarnation is a thing." I purred as I threw him into Pein. "Now, I must leave! My baby is probably worrying his poor little head off. Itachi must be confused. Poor baby, can't realise I stole his body!"

Pein glared as Kakuzu lifted his hand towards me. A mask ripped from his back as I crawled towards me. I shrieked like a child as I saw it.

"THAT IS A THING OF NIGHTMARES!" I screamed, falling off the ceiling as I felt Itachi's chakra start burning away. I coughed up blood.


'What happened, Madara-Sama?'


"Woah!" I yelled as I flipped away from a pissed off Kisame. "Alright, alright! I am going. Sheesh. Makes you think you all hate me or something."


'There you go,'

'Madara-Sama. Why am I being stared down by the rest of the Akatsuki? And Obito looks very on edge.'

'That, my boy, is what I call. The Madara effect.'

'The fuck did you do?'

'I'll send you the info.'

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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