Chapter 6

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Madara's POV

Age: 12

A mission is a mission.

"I hate this," Izuna whined quietly as we waited outside of the ANBU Black Ops section of the ANBU headquarters. "To work with-... what was his name again?"

I glanced over before staring back at the door, my back straighter than my mental state.

"Codename is Dog. I have yet to know his real name," I answered, sensing barely two chakra signals behind the door. "But apparently his hair colour is hard not to notice in public."

Izuna nodded, looking back at the door with a glare.

"Why do you have to go alone? The old fool knows we work together."

A glare was sent from me once more before Izuna was supposed to disapear.

"Apparently something big is supposed to happen, which means-" I started until I was cut off.

"I know, I know. I must look after Mother and Naruto." He muttered.

"Yes, now scram." I snapped, placing my mask in place as Izuna disapeared.

The door opened as a male in ANBU clothes and mask walked out, pausing at the sight of me. He continued over to me, assessing me as I did the same with him.

He must of been at least nine or so years older than my current body, taller than me and silver hair. He wore the standard ANBU attire with a dog mask.

I stretched my right hand out for him to shake.

He seemed a bit stiff when he shook it, snatching his hnd back like I burned it.

"Pleasure to work with you, Dog." I said, bowing slightly. He seemed annoyed and slightly repulsed by the action.

"Pleasure to work with you as well... Joker." He muttered, unsure of my mask.

I understood since it was not the commen animal mask, instead a sign of foolishness.

I was anything but foolish.

We began walking towards the mission center, passing a few other ANBU who nodded at Dog. He turned a sharp corner, making me pause slightly as he brushed past a certain part of my arm, which had burns all along from a accident with Izuna practicing his medical ninjutsu.

Dog leaped back, disgust practically pouring off his body.. I ignored it as I lead the way instead, the seemingly annoying male behind me.

It angered me slightly.

No male of his position should be rude to their partner, the old war Madara's views returning like a wild fire.

I blanked out of our current walk, mulling over a few urges I felt.

'Hey, Izuna?'


'What do you think, Shisui with Itachi or Sasuke with Itachi?'




"Joker." I looked up.

Dog held a piece of paper, shuffling awkwardly. He must not work with females much.


"Assination of a crime lord in Kiri who gave the Yamanaka clan a fake sacred scroll of their clan history." Dog informed as we left the headquarters, leaping onto a rooftop towards the entrence of the village.

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