Chapter 10 - History Resolved

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Two weeks. We spent two weeks in that cottage, in that forest, at that beach... It was one of the most magical times in my life. I wasn't even trying to sound like our life was some fairy tail. It was simply what went through my mind when I imagined everything.

As we shuffled back through the airport, I caught a whiff of a very significant scent. It was that girl's again, that was for sure, but it was mixed with another scent I found very familiar. "Caleb, you smell that?" We looked at each other, eyebrows knitting together on both of our heads.

"Yeah, rogues. And not the good kind like Katsu. We're talking rogues that shouldn't be in a human area. They're not the kind people we want to mess with, let's just get on the plane and-." As if on cue, everything went pitch black. I yelped from my anxiety, but as our wolf senses kicked in, I relaxed. I could see almost everything. Everyone else, however, was screaming and moving. I whimpered when I stumbled back, looked around, and realized I couldn't find Caleb.

"Caleb? Hey, where are you? I can't find you!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I hurriedly turned to look. I expected Caleb, of course, but instead my eyes met another pair of green ones. I yelped again, and I found myself looking into the eyes of that girl. Now, however, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, sneakers and a hoodie... She looked so normal. Either way, I wasn't taking the chances. I took a step back, trying to get away. "What do you want from me?"

"Alex, you must come with me. Your pack is in danger." I glanced around furiously; scared. What if someone heard her? The rogues were around, I knew that.

"I can't. I need to find my mate and go home." I turned, about to run, but she grabbed my wrist. I looked back, feeling tears fill my eyes. Caleb was no where in sight, this crazy woman I didn't know was grabbing me, it was dark, people were screaming, I was in a crowd, I didn't know where I was or who was around me... Suddenly, my anxiety spiked so bad that I leaned forward and lost my lunch right there on the floor. Of course, more people began to scream. It was getting so loud, my wolf was going insane from the noise... I fell over, and everything went black.

Caleb's Point of View

I'd gotten all sorts of turned around once people had begun to run. I knew that those rogues we'd sniffed out had something to do with the lights. I reached beside me, grabbing a hand. I heard a shriek, and I spun around. Instead of my husband, my mate, standing beside me, it was a now very freaked-out looking woman. "I'm so sorry, I can't see a thing." A complete lie, no doubt to me, thanks to my wolf. However, the woman huffed, walking away from me. She surely thought I were some sort of creep.

Shaking off the odd sensation of holding a random person's hand - God, I spent too much time with Alex, I wanted to go shower in scalding hot water - I began looking around. I knew that Alex could see as well as I could; all of his senses had come in full force the first time he shifted on a full moon, as they should have when he was young. What worried me was his lack of control. I was able to block out the intense sound of the screaming crowd, but I knew he couldn't. On top of that, he hated crowds and unfamiliar places. I was sure his anxiety was spiking, and I had his meds.

After a few minutes of no luck searching through the thick, scared crowd, I growled to myself. I was frustrated, but more than that, I was concerned. Alex probably needed his medication. My paranoid little nerd must have been having a panic attack. I sniffed the air, trying desperately to catch his scent among the hundreds of perfumes and colognes that those damned people wore. I couldn't smell him. However, faintly, I caught a whiff of a vile stench, and screams erupted from an area of the crowd. Someone puked, and I headed straight for that person.

"Alex! Where are you?" I pushed past the crowd, which was avoiding one particular spot. I knew that that was where the person who'd gotten sick was, but the question was, was it Alex? A few people gave me odd looks as I pushed past them, clearly wondering why I would head towards someone who was sick. However, just as I'd hoped, my eyes landed on Alex. He was on the ground, passed out beside the vomit I'd smelled. "Alex!"

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