Chapter 14 - Brothers

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Alex's Point of View

After I explained the situation to Caleb, he was sprinting out the door. It took maybe ten minutes for him to sprint into the house, eyes locking onto mine. "What the hell do you mean, his mate's your other half brother?! How many siblings do you have that we don't know about?" As he spoke, he came to me, checking me over for scratches. "You said you fought him. Did he hurt you? Follow you?"

"Babe, relax." I gently resting my fingers on his chin, forcing him to look at me. "I'm fine. He was already injured when we saw him, he was a shit fighter. Just a scratch or two, if that. As for following me? He ran off into the woods, planning to never be seen again." Caleb sighed in relief, kissing me on the lips. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around him. Once we broke the kiss, I looked into his eyes. I couldn't help feeling a little bad. He'd never seemed so worried about me before; so anxious.

"You have no idea how worried I've been. Never do that to me again, do you hear me? I don't care if he's your best friend, you're my mate and I worry about your safety." I couldn't help it when I rolled my eyes. He drove me insane when he got overly worried.

"Caleb, I'm the one with anxiety meds. Shut up and stop worrying." I kissed his cheek, gently laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm safe. I'm healthy. I'm just trying to take care of my friend who needs me." He looked into my eyes sadly, so I kissed his cheek again. "Who's watching the pups? They shouldn't be alone."

"Dr. White. He's so amazing to me." He sighed, and I noticed the exhaustion in his eyes. I smiled at him, chuckling softly.

"He's amazing to both of us because we're family. Now come on, you need to sleep." He whined, nuzzling me gently. I chuckled softly, kissing his head. "You've been up all night. Let's get going, up to bed with you." He nodded, letting me drag him up the stairs. I tiptoed past my adoptive parents' room, going to the room I'd stayed in for nearly my whole life. Caleb glanced around, eyes widening slightly. It was still somewhat of a mess from the last time I'd been in the room; when he'd destroyed it over a year ago.

"This is the room I messed up when I went wolf... That was what, a year ago? Almost two?" I nodded, smiling at him softly.

"Yeah... My old bedroom. I never bothered to clean it up much since then. I moved in with you in the den less than a day after you messed it up, so I never cared to come fix it up. I haven't really been in here since then." He nodded, wandering around the room to get a good look at everything. He soon settled on looking out the window, one hand resting on the windowsill as he looked out into the darkness.

"How many times did you come into this room and cry, Alex?" My eyes widened, and I looked at him in surprise. He turned and looked at me, eyes locking together.

"What are you talking about, Caleb?" He gently grabbed my shoulders, looking into my eyes with a seriousness that I'd never seen in him before.

"Answer the question, Alex. How many times have you come and cried here?" I sighed, looking away. I wasn't sure why he was suddenly worried about this, but I couldn't help the fact that I was somewhat creeped out by it.

"I'm not sure. A few hundred? I'd lived here all my life before I moved into the den." He frowned, shoving me onto the bed. I couldn't help yelping, looking up at him in slight shock. He came and pinned me down, and I could feel my wolf grow concerned. I wasn't looking at my mate; I was looking at a wolf who's mind was untouchable,who's feelings were unreachable and impossible to understand.

"How many of those times were because of me, Alex? How many times did I hurt you?"

"What?" I looked at him, and he whimpered.

"Answer the question, Alex! I'm begging you." I shifted, getting my arms out of his grip. I then took his hands in my own, sighing softly as I realized just how little I knew about him.

"Caleb, you need to calm down. I love you, so much. You've never hurt me and you never will. Now tell me what's going on, because this isn't like you at all." He let out a soft whine, hiding his face in my neck gently. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling. I laid down and forced him to lay on top of me. "Get some rest, baby. You're exhausted, and I had you really worried. You just need some sleep, you're not thinking straight."

"I'm thinking just fine, Alex. You just don't understand."

"Of course I don't, you haven't explained anything." He pulled his head out of my shoulder, his sad eyes locking onto my own.

"I'm just... I'm worried, Alex. About everything. What if our packs go at war? What if it pulls us apart? I love you, Alex. I don't want to lose you. But as alphas, we both have to put our packs first." I couldn't help it; I began to laugh. I sat down, letting go of him to cover my mouth, trying to avoid waking anyone.

"Hell, Caleb, don't be ridiculous!" He gave me a puppy-like pout, and I smiled at him. "I love you too, you goof. Now stop all that worrying. No matter what happens with my family, you are my mate. Are you forgetting that my pack and my family are different people? Well, except my brother, but he's still young." I gently grabbed a hold of his hand again, and he looked at me sadly.

"But what if-,"

"What if I'll never give up on our love?" His cheeks then tinted pink. I happily pulled him into the bedding, voice softer. "You need sleep. C'mere." He laid his head on my chest, making me smile. I began to stroke his hair, my other arm wrapped around him protectively. In moments, we were both asleep.

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me, causing me to groan. It was surely some of the best sleep I'd gotten since giving birth. Don't get me wrong, I love my babies, but three crying newborns is not good for a naturally light sleeper. "Alex?" Hearing Hirem's shaky voice, I quickly looked up. He was frowning, skin sickly pale.

"Hirem, hey, what's going on?" I sat up, and he sighed, eyes on the ground.

"I feel sick." I smiled softly, slipping out of Caleb's arms.

"It's probably morning sickness. Come on, let's get you something small to eat." I gently grabbed his hand, and he let me lead him down the stairs. Isabella was sitting on the couch, schoolbooks on her lap. I couldn't help chuckling at the sight of the frustrated look in her eye. "Morning little sis." She looked up at me, then smiled.

"You and Caleb are adorable." I felt a happy blush spread on my cheeks. I gave her a playful glare, smirking.

"Just wait until you find someone you like. Then I'll get you back for all the teasing." She stuck her tongue out at me, but I didn't care. I knew someday she'd be as whipped as I was. "I'm making breakfast. If you want any, you'd best knock that off." I chuckled, showing I wasn't mad, but she silenced herself anyways.

I went to the kitchen, Hirem following behind. He sat down on a barstool at the island, watching me pull things out. "I really don't think I'll keep anything down, Alex..."

"It's best to try. Not eating at all will make it worse." He sighed, looking down. I knew there was more on his mind. It was obvious, and it hurt me to see him like that. "So I had a bit of a chat with him while you slept," I glanced at him, watching him perk up. "I found out something that'll cheer you up."

"He's coming back?" The hopeful sparkle in his eyes made my heart drop to my stomach. I needed to be more careful how I worded things.

"Not right now. But I think he will soon. What I found out is that he's my brother, Hirem." His eyes widened a little as I gave him a smile. "I'm your baby's uncle."

"You're... You're his brother?" I nodded, and he quickly got up, hugging me. I hugged back, stroking his hair. He began to sob, making me frown.

"I need to cook, Hirem."

"Gimme a sec." He nuzzled close, and I sighed. Smiling, I leaned back and simply held him. Knowing I had a lot of work ahead of me, I tightened my grip. It wasn't going to be easy, but I was helping Hirem get through to my brother. That I was sure about.

Word Count: 1,534

A/N: Woah... I updated. 😲 I'm trying to get back to writing consistently... Or at least more often. Lol we'll see how it goes.

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