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Chapter sixteen

Kristen's POV: today's the last day of Warped. Alli and I came back with the twins. They are playing in myrtle beach today. After the show we are going to go to the beach. We are all really excited except for Charles. He seems kind of nervous, like he knows someone here. We all walk to the stage and get set up. The band says hi to people and take pictures with them. Once we get to the stage NerdRock hands Charles his bass. They start sound check so we all sit backstage. Lindsey and Jenny also came to myrtle beach. We think the most excited person is Travis, it's a D day so he is ready for a shower. He doesn't use the shower bags but Charles, Hunter, and coley do. Danny uses the shower and she does Travis.

Sound checks over. We go back to the bus till it's show time. They have about thirty minutes till show. Everyone is on their phones. My crutches are also gone! My ankle is way better and so is my knee. I'm glad I don't have to use crutches anymore because I can now run on the beach. "Kristen!" Danny snaps his fingers in my face, "we are going to the stage, let's go." I get up and we walk off the bus. Everyone walks towards the stage to get ready. Their are so many people here! It's crazy. The band walks out on stage playing 'party, fun, love & radio' then they play 'just keep breathing' 'whoa' 'say you like me' and so on. Finally they end with 'Check Yes, Juliet' that's my all time favorite. The show ends and everyone slowly leaves. "ITS THE END OF WARPED!!!" Travis screams and it's followed by cheers. Everyone high fives each other then we walk back to the bus. We all change into swim suits and go to the beach. I hold Anna's hand and Alli carries Chaz. He has had only two seizures since the surgery. He gets scared easily so it's hard to take him anywhere. Alli is super over protective of him but I can see why, I mean her five year old son has cancer. We all grab out towels and beach bags. I put on my flip flops and walk out of the bus, "ok should we go get Starbucks?" Danny asks. We all nod, "ok let's go!" We walk towards the Starbucks to order drinks. After we finally get our drinks we walk to the bike rental place. We all get bikes for our short journey to the beach. We got one of those things that attach to the back of the bike for the twins and Tyler. Once we get to the beach we put out bikes on the bike locks and go have fun. I lay down my towel next to Allis and Lindsey's. Us girls stay together and the boys are separate from us. "Kristen, have you seen Charles?" I shake my head, "why?" "He isn't answering my texts." I shrug and lay back down. "He could be walking with the boys." Jenny says, "they left about ten minutes ago." Alli nods. "Charles wasn't with them when they left." Lindsey says sitting up. I also sit up and look around, "maybe he got tired." "Maybe." Lindsey says, agreeing with me. "No he didn't seem tired." Alli says. "He did seem really nervous today." Jenny says. We all nod in agreement. "Do you think he knows someone that lives here?" Alli shrugs, "he could know tons of people. Lindsey, remember his old roommate, Jeff?" Lindsey nods. "He could be seeing him, he lives here doesn't he?" Lindsey shrugs, "I don't know." Alli sighs and stands up, "I'm going in the water." She puts on her Ray Bans and grabs my hands, "come on! Let's go." She pulls me up and smiles. Lindsey gets up and runs towards the water. Jenny finally gets up and we all run to the water. We splash each other and swim around. After about an hour of being in the water we get out to be greeted by the boys. Alli walks over to Danny and Travis, "where is Charles?" They shrug, "haven't seen him." "Are you sure?" Danny nods, "he left when we got to the beach, saying he was tired." Alli nods and leaves. "Danny where's Alli going?" He shrugs and I watch her run the the bikes.

Allis POV: where the hell is Charles. This is pissing me off. I run to the bikes and bike to the bus. When I get to the bus I run up to the door and open it, "Charles?? Are you in here?"

No answer.

"Charles Paul! Are you in here?" I go over to our bunk and pull the curtain open, nobody. Where did he go?! I try calling his number again but no answer. I sigh and leave the bus. I get on my bike and go back to the beach. When I get back Charles is sitting with the boys, "Charles!" He turns around and smiles, "there you are." He says standing up to hug me. I push him away, "where we're you?!" He holds up a publix bag, "getting sandwiches." He hands me mind and I glare at him, "ok, and you took that long?" He nods and I go over to the girls, "when did he get back?" "Like ten minutes ago." Lindsey says looking at her phone. "He took an hour and a half to get sandwiches?!" "The publix was far away." I nod and eat my sandwich. When we all finish we bike back to the rental. We drop off out bikes and go to the bus. I grab Charles hand and hold it till we get to the bus. "Did you have fun at the beach?" He asks. I nod, "I would've had more fun if you where their." He smiles and kisses my forehead. We get on the bus and we sit in the back lounge, "let's watch a movie to celebrate the lasted day of warped!" Travis yells. He picks out a movie and starts it. "Before it starts I'm going to the bathroom." Charles says standing up. Danny also gets up and they leave the bus. Even though we have a bathroom nobody uses it. "On that note I'm taking a shower!" Travis says running to the shower. Charles phone goes off and I look over at it, I wish I didn't.

From: Allie

"Had so much fun today hanging out with you. Hopefully I can see you soon. <3"

I read the text and my face gets super hot, "Alli you ok?" I shake my head and stand up, taking Charles' phone with me. He's coming out of the bathroom once I reach him, "Charles Paul, explain this!" I show him the text. His face goes bright red, "how do you explain that?!" I feel tears streaming down my face. Charles sighs, "Alli I'm so sorry... It's not what you think..." "It's not what I think?! Then what is it?! Because I think you cheated on me!" I slam his phone on the ground and walk away. "Alli! Please I can explain!" I turn around and walk towards him, pointing a finger. "Then do it." He grabs my hand but I pull it away. "She an old friend. I went to see her today." "If she was just a friend then why did she put a heart in the text! How long have you known her?! I know she isn't an old friend! I've met all of your friends and I've never met another Allie!!" I walk towards the bus ignoring him. I go on and grab my phone and my bag, "Alli, what's wrong?" Lindsey asks walking up to me. I shake my head and quickly get off the bus. Lindsey and Jenny both follow me. "Alli tell us what's wrong." Lindsey says. I lean against a wall and start crying, "you want to know what's wrong?! Charles wasn't with us today because he was seeing another girl and she texted him saying she had a lot of fun! I thought he loved me!" Lindsey sighs and hugs me, "I am so sorry Alli." Jenny also hugs me. "Mom? Are you ok?" Kristen asks walking towards us. I nod and wipe my eyes, "I'm fine, just watch your siblings, ok?" She shakes her head, "tell me." I look over at Lindsey and Jenny, "we'll go." I smile and they leave, "what happened? Dad came on the bus crying." I just pull Kristen towards me and hug her, "just remember, anything I tell you you still need to love both of us, no matter what happens." She looks up at me and nods, "what happened?" "Your dad was s-seeing a-another woman t-today..." Kristen's eyes go wide and she hugs me tight, "I'm so sorry... How did you find out?" "She texted him back..." I cry and she hugs me again. "Do you want to go back on the bus?" I nod and we stand up. "Just keep me away from Charles." She nods, "will do. Lindsey and Jenny will also help." I kiss her forehead and we walk to the bus. We get on the bus and everyone looks at us, "their you are!" Travis says hugging me. I smile and sit down next to Lindsey. She smiles at me and whispers, "you ok?" I nod and lay my head on her shoulder, "thank you for helping." Kristen sits on the other side of me and I grab her hand, "I love you." Charles comes out from the bathroom and stops when he sees me. He smiles awkwardly and sits next to Kristen. Danny comes in and goes to sit by Kristen. Charles moves over and Danny sits next to her. He nods at me and smiles. I smile back and we watch the movie. I fall asleep still holding Kristen's hand. Everyone goes to their bunk besides Kristen and I. We eventually lay down in the back and go to sleep.

Charles' POV: I fucked up. I shouldn't of gone to see Allie... I wish we didn't come to myrtle beach. I wish my whole family wasn't here. I pay more attention to Alli then the movie. She holds Kristen's hand and lays her head on Lindsey. I frown as I realize all the good memories I will lose because of this. After the movie ends I stand up and kiss Kristen on the forehead. I walk to the bunk and sleep with the twins. I look at the text Allie sent me and sigh, this is the text that ruined it all. I throw my phone to the other side of the bunk and get out. I walk to the back lounge and smile at Alli and Kristen. I quietly whisper, "I love you two so much." I leave the back lounge and get some Cheerios. I finally make my way back to my bunk to sleep. I kiss the twins foreheads and close my eyes. Why was I so stupid? I love my family, I love Alli. But do I love the new Allie more?



Ok so I've heard forever love at least a hundred times. I love it! Want to hear it?

Check out the app spotify and look up Avia Butler!


Two hearts, one soul, this love is forever.

Two hands, will hold, this love together.

On part of life is love. (Love x3)

I love it so much!!!!!


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