Moms house

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Chapter forty-one

(Kristen's POV)

I hug my mom when I get in her car and stare at dad.

I can't believe he said what he said. It doesn't sound like something he would do...

I put my head in my hand once we get out of view from his house.

Alli sighs and speaks,

"Hey, I know it's hard. I don't know why he said that about you. He just isn't right."

"Isn't right?! He said I wasn't his daughter and said I never will be!! He is more than just isn't right! He is an ass!"

"Kristen! Don't say that about your father!"

"He isn't my dad and he never will be! Like I'm not his daughter and I never will be..."

"You aren't blood related but you've been with us for six years. Six years Kristen, we love you like our daughter."

We pull into her driveway and get out of the car.

"Kristen, I love you even though you aren't blood related. You aren't my daughter by birth but you're my daughter by heart." She hugs me and we walk inside.

I sit on the couch and she sits next to me.

"It will be ok. He will apologize and you two will be fine." I shake my head.

"I told him I hated him... Last time I said that I was in Florida..." She hugs me and puts her chin on my head.

"He will get over it."

I keep getting calls from Allie but I ignore them.

I get a call from Gavin and I decide to answer.

"Hello?" I ask standing up.

"Are you ok?? What did your dad say to you in the first place."

"It wasn't to me it was to my mom." I walk out on the patio and talk.

"Well what did he say?!"

"He said I wasn't his daughter and I never will be... Then before I left I told him I hated him. Gavin I don't know what to do! I'm scared to go back home."

"Don't be. We are staying in the apartment I showed you so you can come by if you need too."

"Thanks Gavin, I can always count on you to help me out."

"Your welcome. I have to go, bye."


I smile and the call disconnects. I sit at the edge of the pool and I put my feet in. I hear the sliding door open and Alli comes to sit next to me.

"We need to talk." She says putting her feet in the pool.

"Ok." I knew this was coming. I dreaded it.

"When did you find out you were pregnant...?"

"Last week..." I look down not wanting to see her reaction.

"What are you going to do with the kid?"

I shrug,

"Put it up for adoption or keep it. I don't know what to do."

She hugs me and kisses my head.

"It depends what you feel is right." I nod and lay my head on her shoulder.

"I hate this. I hate that I got pregnant and I told my dad I hated him. I can't believe I let this happen." I put my head in my hands and cry.

"Don't cry sweetheart. It will all be ok." She hugs me and we stay sitting by the pool for a while.

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