Uh oh

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Chapter twenty-three

Charles' POV

Since we don't vlog anymore we have to get a job. Shay said we could work sat maker studios if we wanted to. Alli is going for her 'interview' today but Shay said we already get the job. I go for mine tomorrow. I sit on the couch with the dogs and Chaz. Anna and Kristen slept over at the Butlers. It's so nice not having screaming kids. Just one kid is so peaceful. I needed this before the new baby comes along. My phone vibrates, it's Allie.

"I need you to call me, now!"

(A/N Alli=Alli Trippy Allie= Allie Wesenburg)

I go into contacts and call her.

"What's wrong?"

"Charles, is this you?"

"Yea it's me, what's wrong?"

"Look, how much time do you have to talk?"

"Not long Alli is at an interview."

"Ok well is anyone around?"

I look down at Chaz and leave the room,


"Ok well you are going to freak."

"Well what is it?!"

I get frustrated thinking its nothing.

"Charles, I'm pregnant..."

"Wait what?! How do you know??"

"I took a test, it was positive."

"I'm the father...?"


"Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit! Alli is going to kill me! Shit!!"

"Charles calm down. I can do abo-"

"Don't you dare do that! Just keep the baby, nobody can know I'm the father, please!"

"Ok I won't. Bye..."


I disconnect the call and throw my phone on the hardwood floor. I lay on the bed and scream into a pillow. I am so screwed! I pick up my destroyed phone and put it in my pocket. I sit on the couch with Chaz. What am I going to do? What if Alli figures out, she figures everything out. I can't hide it from her. I grab my phone and hold it in my hand, should I text Alli? I think it's best to tell her.

"Alli, when you get home I have something big to tell you. Love Charles."

Allis POV

"Alli, when you get home I have something big to tell you. Love Charles."

I read the text and sigh. I just finished my interview and I'm hanging with Shays friends that are at Maker studios. I've already seen Rawn and Bret. I'm going to see Ceciley next. I finally found her, "Ceciley!" "Alli!" She stands up and hugs me. "It's been so long." I nod and smile. "I haven't seen you in forever!" She let's go and smiles, "it's so good to see you!" We talk for a while till I have to go home. I get in my car and drive to shays house to pick Kristen and Anna up. Once I get them I drive home. We get out and go inside. I find Charles sitting on the couch. He looks stressed. That's how seizures start with him being stressed. He pats the seat next to him. I sit down not sure what's going to happen next. He grabs my hands and smiles. "Whatever I tell you right now just remember how much I love you." He kisses me and then grabs my hand again, "Allie texted me today... She said she needed the talk to me." I nod and get ready for the worst. "I called her and she told me something I would've never expected..." I start crying knowing it's something bad. "What was it?" I ask through tears, "I did something very stupid in myrtle beach which I wish I could get rid of... I made her pregnant..." Those words that came out of his mouth were words I never want to hear. I start sobbing and Charles pulls me towards him. He hugs me as I cry. I push myself away and stand up still crying. "Alli I'm so sorry." Charles says standing up, he's also crying. I hug him and sob into his shirt. "I can't believe you Charles!" I yell, still sobbing. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I was so stupid for doing that." I let go of him and put my head in my hands, "I CANT BELIEVE YOU! WHY?!? WHY CHARLES!" "Alli it was so stupid of me, I wasn't thinking. Please I'm so sorry! I love you more than anything in the world." "If you did then why did you make another girl pregnant?!" "Alli I said I'm sorry!! I don't know what else to say!" "If you really loved me you would know how to make me feel better right now!!!" I grab the tv remote and throw it on the ground, "IM DONE!!" I walk out of the house and slam the door. I sit on the patio and sob into my hands.

Kristen's POV

I hear Charles and Alli yelling at each other. I cover Chaz's ears and put sound blocking headphones in Anna's. I listen to what their saying and it isn't good. I put headphones on Chaz's ears and run down stairs after the door slams. I see Charles sitting on the couch, crap. "Dad!" I run over to him and sit next to him, "don't stress out, calm down, please." His breaths steady and I hug him, "what happened?" He just shakes his head, "get Alli, please." I nod and go outside to see Alli sitting on the porch. "Mom." She turns around and looks at me with red, puffy eyes. "What's wrong?" She opens her arms for me to hug her. I sit next to her and hug her. She takes a deep breath and sighs, "I don't know what to do anymore Kristen. I'm done." "What happened...?" "You know that Allie girl?" I nod and sigh. "Charles got her... Pregnant..." "What?! Mom I'm so sorry." "I can't see him again. I need to leave." She stands up but I grab her hand, "dad needs you right now... He's so stressed out right now he might have a seizure..." Alli's eyes go wide and she runs inside. I follow her inside and she rushes over to Charles, sure enough he is having a seizure. "Call 911!" I nod and take out my phone,

"911 what's your emergency?"

I try not to panic, "my dad is having a seizure. Please hurry!"

"Ok please calm down we are on our way."

"Thank you!"

I hang up and run to Alli, "is he ok?" She nods, "he's fine." His seizure stops and Alli gets him his pill. The ambulance comes and Alli rides with him. I drive the golf cart to the Butlers with Anna and Chaz. The twins run to the door and open it. I go in and Shay sees me. I fall into his arms and cry, "whoa Kristen, what's wrong?" Shay turns of the camera and hugs me. "My dad is at the hospital, he had a seizure." "Where's Alli?" "She's with him." Colette comes in and sees me crying. "Why did he have a seizure?" "He was in a lot of stress, him and my mom just had a big fight and he had a seizure after that..." Gavin comes down and sees me, "babe, what's wrong?" I let go of Colette and hug Gavin. "Do you want us to drive you to the hospital?" I nod and Gavin kisses my cheek. "I'll drive you with Colette, Gavin watch your siblings." I pick up Chaz and Anna to get in his car. I thank Shay and centre as we drive to the hospital. When we get their I go to the desk, "I'm hear to see Charles Trippy." "Family or friend." "Daughter." She nods and tells me where his room is. I tell Shay and Colette I'm going to see him. They nod and I follow the nurse, "here you go." "Thank you." I go in and hug Alli. "How is he?" "He's fine, nothing big we just need to make sure he isn't under a lot of stress." I nod and go over to Charles, "I'm glad you're ok." I say kissing his head. He smiles at me and hugs me. Alli comes over and smiles, "how's your arm?" She asks. He raises his left arm slower than his right. "It's slow but it's good." Alli says kissing him. "I love you." She says hugging him. "Love you too." He says kissing Alli. I smile and grab his hand. "Where's Anna and Chaz?" "With Colette and Shay in the lobby." Alli nods and leaves the room. "What's going to happen with you and Alli?" He shrugs, "I don't really know Kristen."

Allis POV: I leave Charles' room to thank Colette and Shay. Colette stands up when she sees me. "Alli, is Charles ok?" I nod and hug her. "Are you ok?" I nod again. Shay hugs me then let's go. "What happened?" I just shake my head and Colette hugs me again. "It's ok you can tell us." "I don't know if I should... It's something personal." I sit down in between them, "you can tell us, we are like you second family." "It started because of that new girl Allie. Charles did something he should've which was get her..." I look at the twins and whisper, "pregnant..." Colette gasps and hugs me again, "Alli, I'm so sorry." "I don't know what to do, I can't go to my parents because they are in Florida. If I go to you Charles would see me everyday." Colette hugs me again and Kristen comes out, "Charles fell asleep. So I came out here." I nod and hug Kristen, "I love you so much." "I love you too, what are you going to do?" I shrug and let go of her. "Mrs. Trippy? Your husband is ready to go whenever." I nod and the nurse leaves. "Ok let's go." I stand up and go to Charles' room. "You don't have to come back home with me. You can go back to Florida."


Ok guys

Long chapter

I've been typing for a while

Do you guys watch rising stars?

It's annoying how many commercials their are.

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