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*warning: this chapter is full of cussing. If you disapprove of cuss words I suggest you still read this chapter cause you all love my book. <3*

Chapter forty-seven

(Kristen's POV)

"Kristen! Come on let's go back over there." She unlocks the door and grabs my wrists.

I pull them away,

"I'm not going back over there."

"Then we will just leave."

"Fine, I'm coming." I cross my arms and get out of her car.

She grabs her keys and closes the door.

She gives me and hug and we sit down at the table.

Gavin looks up at us and smiles.

"Kristen, I'm-"

"Don't start, first of all you get me fucking pregnant and now you aren't going to be able to be here when I'm due to have the baby!"

"Look I wasn't the one who got you pregnant on accident. We did it together not just me. You should be mad at yourself as much as you are at me!"

"Gavin, as you can tell I'm fucking pissed! I'm tired of your bullshit!"

"What bullshit?! The only bullshit going on around here is yours!"

I gasp,

"You actually cussed..."

"Yes I actually cussed because you are pissing me off!" He slams his hands on the table and stands up.

He's never gotten that mad. Never.

"Gavin I'm-"

"Now your going to apologize?! That's shocking because all you ever do is make other people feel sorry for you! Now you get the other end of the situation where it's your turn to apologize."

We are now walking away from the ice cream shop.

"Gavin calm down."

"No, I'm not going to calm down! I'm pissed and it's my turn to show it! All I ever listen to is your bullshit and I'm done!"

"Wh-what do you mean...?"

"I mean I'm done listening to you complain about everything! We are done." He walks away and I'm left standing in the middle of a parking lot.

"Kristen I-"

"Don't you dare fucking apologize, Gavin is right..." I go after him so I can fix this, I need him.

"Gavin, wait." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He yanks his shoulder away and keeps walking.

"Gavin please! I need you, I miss the times when we would stay up and cuddle together on the couch. When you would give me those welcoming kisses."

"Kristen I'm done. I can't deal with all of this stress."

"Gavin, just give me a minute." He pulls out his phone,

"One minute, go."

"I love you so much and I don't know what my world would be like without you. I need you in my life and I know you need me. I'm sorry for everything, we were stupid for what we did that night and I wish we could take it all back. I've been different ever since Brianna passed. I haven't gotten to spend time with you but I wish I did. I don't want to say goodbye yet, I never want to..."

Gavin pulls me into a hug and gives me a long kiss.

I kiss him back and hug him really tight.

I cry into his chest and keep repeating,

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