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Chapter twenty-eight

Kristen's POV: I walk out of my room the next morning and go to Jackson's room. I open his door and carry him down the steps. I put him in his high chair and feed him. Mom comes down and gets some water. "Morning." She says rubbing her eyes. "Morning." I finish feeding Jackson and clean out the bowl. I grab my keys and walk to the front door. As I reach the door Nate stops me, "where are you going?" "To Gavin's house..." "No you should stay here." I cross my arms, "excuse me? I can go to Gavin's if I want to." "Well I want you to stay here with your mother and I." "But mom said I can go to Gavin's yesterday but I didn't have time!" "Well you aren't going today!" I push him out of the way. He pushes me back and I stumble backwards. "You are staying here." He says sternly. "No I'm not! I'm not going to listen to you!! You aren't my dad and you never will be!!" I hear mom run out to see what's happening. "Kristen what's wrong?" "Nate won't let me go to Gavin's!" "Just listen to him, please." "NO! I'm not listening to this douchebag and I never will!!!" I push him out of the way and walk to my car. Someone grabs my hand but I pull away. I get in my car and grab my door to close it. Mom grabs it and crosses her arms, "out now." "No, I'm not listening to you. I'm not listening to Nate either." "Kristen. Please." She grabs my hands and pulls me out, "I just want to go to Gavin's house!" "Ok you can go, just apologize to Nathan please." I nod and hug her, "by the way, I hate him." I walk inside and go over to Nate. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I say in an annoyed tone. "Thank you for apologizing." I walk back to my car and get in. I drive off and take my camera out of the glove box. "Hey guys! Today is going to be a crappy day. I fought with my moms fiancé Nate. Did I tell you guys he was a jerk? Well he is. He got mad because I'm going over to Gavin's so I pushed him out of the way and he got PISSED! I have to say it was kind of funny." I pull into the Butlers driveway and smile at the camera, "bye! I might vlog in the vlogging house though." I turn off the camera and laugh at myself. I go up to the door and open it. I walk into Shay and he smiles, "hello Kristen!" He says pulling me into a hug. "Dad stop!" Gavin says coming down the stairs. He rubs my head and pushes me away softly. I brush down my hair, "thanks." He smiles and walks off. I give Gavin a kiss and he hugs me, "how was your day so far?" "Horrible. Nathan yelled at me." "Oh that sucks, why?" "Because I was coming over here and he didn't want me to." He laughs. "At least he let you." I nod and take out my camera, "you vlog?" I nod, "my parents don't know though." He nods and I turn my camera on. "Look who I'm with! I told you guys I would see him soon." I smile at him and he gives me a kiss. I turn towards the camera and smile. "Hey guys follow me at" I laugh at his vlog names, "why isn't it Gavin Butler?" He shrugs and laughs. I walk into the kitchen holding Gavin's hand and turn the camera towards Shay. "Look who it is! The famous ShayCarl." He turns around and does a weird face. I turn off my camera, "why do you have a camera?" I shrug. "Please don't tell my parents, they will get really mad." Shay hugs me, "I won't, I'm glad you have a camera," he smiles and takes my camera, "so I can do this!" He turns on the camera and we run around the house. "Shay!" I yell chasing him. "Hey guys," I hear him yell, "I stole Kristen's camera. She's chasing me!" We keep running around till he runs into his room and closes the door. "GAVIN!!" He runs up the stairs and laughs, "follow me." He walks around to a bathroom door. "He's in the room through here." I nod and walk in. I hear him talking to my camera. I walk back out and look at Gavin, "block that door." He nods and I go back in. "ShayCarl!" He looks at me and laughs. "Here you go. I'm done." He hands me the camera and I turn it on. "The batteries dead!" He laughs, "I know." We walk out of the room and Gavin grabs my hand. I steal shays camera cord to charge the battery. I go downstairs and sit on the couch with Gavin. "I need to go home. It's getting late." He nods and we stand up, "bye, see you tomorrow?" I shrug, "don't know. I might be spending a day with Nathan." He kisses me and walks me to the door, "bye." I hug him and walk to my car. I make sure I have my camera and put it in my glove box. I drive home and put my camera in my jacket pocket. I get out and walk inside. "Mom! I'm home!" I hear laughing and screaming. I go outside in the backyard to see Anna and Chaz running around the yard. Nathan and Alli sitting next to each other with Jackson in between them. Alli lays on Nathan's shoulder. "Mom?" She turns around and smiles, "oh hey." She opens her arm and I walk over. I sit next to her and she puts her arm around me, "how was your day?" She asks. I look over at Nathan and he looks annoyed. "Fine. Shay sto-" "Shay did what?" I forgot about the while camera thing. "Oh! Shay stole my phone and he kept taking pictures. He made it die." Alli looks at me, "you sure?" I nod, "why would I not be sure?" "Well what were you going to say?" "He stole my phone..." Alli takes her arm off of me and sighs, "okay..." "Kristen I think you're lying." Nathan says. I look at him and roll my eyes, "did anyone ask you?! I'm not listening to you so don't talk!" I stand up and walk inside. I hear someone get up and follow me, "Kristen Trippy!" It's Alli. "What?! I'm trying to get across that I don't like him!! And that's that!! Get someone new! Pull off the wedding!" "Kristen! I love him!" "Well he's a jerk!!! I. HATE. HIM!!!!" I walk away and go to the stairs, "Kristen, give me your phone! You aren't going to see Gavin tomorrow!!" "I don't give a fuck! I don't care anymore!" I grab my electronic bag and walk back downstairs. I grab my keys and walk to the front door. "Where are you going?!" "Away from you!" I unlock the door and walk to my car. Alli follows me and grabs my arm, "get back in this house, now!" "No! I'm not coming back here!!" I unlock my car and get in. Alli holds the door open, "if you leave then you aren't coming back." She says sternly. "Good." I slam the door shut and drive off. I'm so mad right now. I just need to see my dad. I pull into the driveway and get out of my car. I unlock the front door of my dads and Allies house and walk in. Allie sees me and looks confused, "what are you doing here?" I shake my head and sit on the couch. I pull my knees up to my face and start crying. Allie comes over and kneels in front of me. "What happened?" I put my head down and cry, "I can't go back to my moms house." "Why, did she say something." "She didn't believe me on something I said then Nathan said something so I yelled at him then I yelled at my mom. She told me if I leave I can't come back, so I left..." Allie hugs me, "it's ok, you can stay here." I laugh and she smiles, "there we go." I hug her and smile. "I love you." She kisses my head.


Long chapter



I cleaned my room tonight


Well I'm listening to WTKGTS podcasts

Whoop whoop

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