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Chapter twenty-five

Charles' POV

Allie will be here soon. I have Kristen and the twins today. Kristen is not happy at all. She has stayed in her room the whole day. "Kristen, come down here please." I hear a door open and slam shut. She stops at the top of the stairs and crosses her arms, "please be nice today. Don't act like a stuck up brat got it?" She comes down stairs and nods. She starts walking to the kitchen but I grab her arm. She turns around and tries to pull her arm away, "and don't slam your door again." I let go and she gets something to eat. "I mean it Kristen." She rolls her eyes and walks back upstairs.


'Hey I just landed. My friend is going to pick me up then I can take her car and drive to your house.'

'Ok and be warned. Kristen, my sixteen year old daughter, is being an ass.'

'Haha ok see you soon<3'

I lock my phone and smile. I want her to stay with me. I want her to be my girlfriend. I don't know if she will. I have a stupid brain slug that makes everyone stressed and not wanting to stay with me.

Allie texted me and she is driving to my house. I go upstairs to have a talk with Kristen. "Kristen, can I come in?" "Yea." I walk in and lean on her bed. She turns so her legs are hanging over the rail and she faces me.

(A/N she has a loft bed remember)

"What's the matter?" She shrugs, "it's going to be this kind of talk?" I nod, "why are you mad at me?" "Because you and mom are done." I shrug and sigh, "well life is life. I'm just starting a new chapter in mine." "Don't tell me your shitty quotes! I just want mom back!" "Language! And you won't be getting her back! You will probably never see me or Alli in the same room ever again!" "You two need to work this out!" "Their is no more 'working this out' Kristen. We are done. Charles and Alli are done. The only time we will see each other in the same room is when we tell one another what is happening in our lives." She sighs and swings her legs over her bed, so she isn't facing me. "Kristen I know this is hard. It will be hard getting used to some one new." She sighs and puts her head in her hands. I climb the ladder so I can reach her. "Come down here please." I rub her knee and she turns around. I go down the ladder and she follows me. I pull her in a hug and she cries. "It's ok, it will all get better in the end." She sobs in my arms. "I hate this." I put my chin on her head, "me too." I kiss her head and let go. She smiles at me and I leave her room. She follows me down the stairs and the door bell rings. I open it and see Allie. "Hey, good to see you." She smiles and I invite her in. "Good to see you too." Kristen waves at her and shakes her hand, "hi, I'm Kristen." "I'm Allie." Kristen smiles and walks back upstairs. "She doesn't look like she's being an ass." Allie whispers. I laugh, "she was earlier, I just finished having a talk with her." She nods and follows me to the kitchen. "So what should we talk about?" Allie asks taking a seat. I shrug and sit across from her, "how long are you staying with your friend?" "A week. She lives like ten minutes away." I nod and sigh, "so how's the baby?" She shrugs, "haven't had a check up yet, and do you want to go with me to those?" I nod and smile, "of course." I suddenly get a call from Alli. "I need to take this." I say standing up. Allie nods and I walk outside.


"Hey, I just needed to tell you something."

"Ok what is it?"

"Well my first check up is coming soon for the baby, do you think you can come?"

"Oh shit... I don't know if I can..."

"What was the oh shit for?"

"Umm, Allie's over. She just asked me if I wanted to go to check ups with her."

"Oh well you can still come..."

"Won't it be weird if your ex husband comes to check ups with you?"

"No because you are half of this baby! You know this baby will be in your life as much as Kristen and the twins are!"

"Well I mean I don't know if I can see you again after what happened!"

"Then don't come! Just leave the woman you had three kids with and go to one you barely know!!"



She hangs up and I start to cry. I take a deep breath and walk in the house. Allie looks at me and stands up, "are you ok?" I nod and sit down, "I'm fine, it was just Alli." She nods, "I'm sorry, I made this all happen..." "Don't be, I think it's best Alli and I aren't together anymore. I mean she is the total opposite of me." She nods and comes over to me. I stand up and hug her. "I love you." She says hugging me. As I say these words all of the memories of Alli and I come back to me. "I love you more." The Spain proposal, our wedding, Kristen, the twins being born, everything. I kiss Allie and she kisses me back.


Ok so chapter!


So I love how you guys comment on my stories

It makes me feel happy

And for the stupid people out their

Who pretend they are the band



Seriously this is probably the LAST app those people will have

Why would they right stories?

I mean they have YouTube for a reason


I'm sorry I had to get that out


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