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Chapter forty-two

(Kristen's POV)

"I love you dad." I say as I hug him.

He pulls away and smiles at me.

"I love you too."

"What if mom comes to get me?" I ask scared at what she will do.

"If she does you aren't leaving this house. She can come and yell at us but you aren't going with her, got it?" I nod and hug him.

We sit on the couch and watch tv. Allie comes down and sits next to Charles.

"Anna still isn't feeling well, what should we do?"

"I'll go get her." Charles goes upstairs and Allie smiles at me.

"Are you ok?" I nod and smile at her.

"Yes, I'm fine." She smiles and hugs me.

Charles comes down and she scoots back to her spot.

Charles sits in between us and holds Anna.

"Daddy, I don't feel good." Charles nods and kisses her forehead.

"I know baby." She lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes.

(Allie's POV)

I smile at Kristen and hug her.

I move back to my spot when Charles comes down.

He sits in between Kristen and I and he holds Anna.

"Daddy I don't feel good." Charles nods and kisses her forehead.

"I know baby." She lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes.

"Char? What if she has, you know what." He shakes his head.

"No she doesn't have cancer it's just a bug." I shrug and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." He kisses my head and I smile.

"I love you too." Kristen stands up and goes upstairs.

I laugh and shrug,

"I guess we embarrassed her." I kiss Charles and stand up.

I walk upstairs into Brianna's room and she smiles at me.

"Mommy!" She stands up in her crib and holds out her arms.

I pick her up and walk back downstairs.

She hasn't been feeling good either.

Everyone is just getting sick.

I sit next to Charles and bounce Brianna in my lap.

"Should I take Brianna to the doctor since she doesn't feel good?"

Charles nods,

"I want you to know something. Since I have the brain tumor gene she does have a fifty percent chance that she could have a tumor. If anything happens to her remember that I love you very much, ok?" I nod and hug him.

"I love you." I say into his neck.

"I love you too." He kisses my head and I pull away.

"Should we get an appointment today?" I ask and he nods,

"I'll call them." I nod and he walks off to call the doctors.

I kiss Brianna's head and she smiles at me.

Charles comes back in.

"We have an appointment at 1:30." I nod and go upstairs to change.

I grab a random top and some shorts. I put on my galaxy vans Charles got me and I do light makeup.

I get something for Brianna to wear and I change her. I put a pair of chucks on her and we go downstairs.

She walks to the couch and climbs on it.

Charles goes upstairs to get changed and tells Kristen what we are doing.

We are leaving Kristen here with the twins while we go to the doctors with Brianna.

He finally comes back down and we go out to get lunch then we will go to the doctors.

We decided on in-n-out burger.

"Remember our first date was here." Charles said, grabbing my hand.

I nod and smile.

"I remember it like it was yesterday." I hold Brianna's hand as we walk into in-n-out burger. We order our burgers and go to sit down.

Brianna giggles as we eat and give her some fries.

I fed her before we left so she wasn't hungry.

We finish our food and head to the doctors.

We check her in and wait for her name to be called.

I bounce her on my lap while Charles plays on his phone.

He starts texting someone and smiling,

"Char? Who are you texting?" He looks at me and smiles.

"Shay. He wants to know if I'll edit his vlogs for him. Since I work at makers and my job is editing videos he wants me to edit vlogs."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes. I think vlogging was my life and I need it to still be apart of it." I give him a kiss and smile.

"I'm glad your happy."

Brianna's name gets called and we all stand up.

We walk back to a room and the nurse starts asking questions.

"Are there any diseases that run in Charles' or Allie's family?"

"I have a brain tumor that could've been passed on."

"Ok Allie, is there any disease running through your family?" I shake my head and the nurse nods.

"The doctor will be in in a few minutes." We both nod and I sit with Brianna on the bed.

"I love you Bri."

"Love you too mommy." She kisses my cheek and I hug her.

A few minutes later the doctor comes in to check up on her.

"She's seems to be good but because of her potentially having a tumor we need to do a cat scan."

We nod and the doctor takes her. We go until we aren't allowed anymore.

We wait till she is done which is a while.

Her and the doctor come out of the room and I pick her up.

We walk to the room while our doctor waits for the sheets.

"It's been like thirty minutes Char, I'm scared."

He comes up to me and hugs me,

"It's ok, everything will be fine."

The doctor finally comes in and sighs,

"I'm sorry Mr. Trippy and Ms. Wesenburg but,"

He looks down and hands us the sheets,

"Brianna has leukemia."



I like doing cliffhangers

Because I'm and evil person


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Pulling the plug (a CTFxC fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora