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Chapter thirty-six

Day two

Kristen's POV

I wake up ready for today. I have a panel with the Shaytards. Alli went out of the room around three last night. She was talking on the phone with someone, I think it was Nathan. This morning she kept checking her phone and acting really anxious. I get changed and text Avery. She comes up to our room and hugs me, "Rylan and Reagan are coming today for the panel then they want to see you afterwards." I nod and go get Charles and Allie. Alli walks out of our room and gets the twins up. "Dad? Allie? It's time to go." I walk into their room and Allie smiles at me. "Ok." Charles grabs her hand and we leave the suite. I walk to the Shaytards room and get them. Gavin opens the door and greets me with a kiss, "ready for the panel?" I nod, "yep." He grabs my hand and the rest of his family follow us out. When we get to the panel I hug Avery and go onstage. I sit on the end then Gavin sits by me. Avia sits by him and Shay sits next to Avia. Colette sits next to Shay then Emmi sits next to her. Brock sits by Emmi and Daxton sits by Brock. Ceciley stays backstage with Kamri. People start asking Shay questions. We call on someone and they turn to me, "Kristen," I look up and smile at them, "since you have your channel and we get to see your parents, how has life changed since they separated?" Shay looks down the table at me and mouths, "can you answer this?" I nod and turn towards the crowd. "Well it's been different of course, I mean it's difficult going from one house to another every so often. It's not something fun to go through but you know that those people are happy so you are happy." The person nods and sits down. Someone else stands up, "following that question, do you like your parents new partners?" "I don't want to answer that question." Before we call on someone, another person stands up, "how do you feel about Charles' partner since he got her pregnant?" People gasp at the question. I look over at Charles and the person who asked the question. I look at Shay and Gavin and stand up. I walk off the stage followed by Gavin. He grabs my hand and pulls my towards him. I hug him and cry, "I can't do these panels. These people know how to make you break." Gavin hugs me and kisses my cheek, "don't let them get to you." Someone else comes up and hugs me. I look up to see Charles. I hug him and cry into his chest. "Gavin go back on stage." Charles says. Gavin pats my back and goes on stage. I let go of Charles and he puts his hands on my shoulders, "how did they know that?" "I don-" "Kristen." I turn around to see Avery, "what?" "Do you know who asked that question?" I shake my head, "no, why?" She grabs my arm and pulls me away from my dad, "the person who asked the question was Ashleigh, Ashton told her." I feel anger sweep across my face, "I can't believe him." I don't feel sad anymore I just feel pure anger. Charles comes over, "Kristen, how did they know that?" "Ashton." I mumble clenching my fists. "Ashton your first boyfriend?" I nod and go back on stage. I find Ashleigh and glare at her. I sit back down and keep staring at her not answering anymore questions. When they start coming up Ashleigh comes up and I step around the table, "you!" "Me? What did I do?" I grab her arm and pull her side stage, "how did you know about my dad?!" "I'm just going to say a certain someone." I grab her shirt and push her up against the walk, "it was Ashton wasn't it?!" She pushes me off and crosses her arms, "sure you can say that. Or I just got it from your vlogs!" "From my vlo- oh shit..." She laughs and walks off. Charles comes over to me, "who was that?" "Ashleigh, she was the one that asked that question..." "Who did she get it from? Ashton?" I shake my head, "who then??" "Me... I said it in the vlog..." "Kristen! Why would you say that?!" "I don't know I wasn't thinking." I put my head in my hands and cry. Charles pulls me to him. "Don't cry, it's ok. People would've figured it out one way or another." He kisses my head and wipes my tears away, "are you ok?" I nod and hug him, "I'm fine." "Do you want to go back on stage?" I nod and take a deep breath. I go up the steps and sit next to Gavin. The last of the people come up for us to sign things. When everyone leaves I get up and hug Gavin. He hugs me back and kisses my cheek, "are you ok?" I nod and let go of him. Avery let's Rylan and Reagan in and they smile at me. I get off the stage and go to them. I give them both hugs, "I missed you two." They both smile and Gavin grabs my hand, "we have to go soon." I smile at him and give him a kiss, "ok." He walks away and Reagan squeals, "you two are so cute together!" I laugh and look back at Gavin, "he's the best." Rylans parents come to get her then Reagan's parents come. Avery hugs me and leaves to find her parents. I go over to Gavin and lay my head on his shoulder. "Dad? Where's mom?" "She found Datev and Kevin so she left with them." I sigh, "I want to see Datev!" He laughs, "you will see her at dinner ok?" I nod and sigh. Gavin laughs at me and we finally leave the huge room. We walk around playlist for a while. Brock starts complaining about his stomach hurting so we go find Alli then go to dinner. When we find her I smile and hug Datev, "it's so good to see you Kristen." She says hugging me, "she's been wanting to see you all day." Charles says walking up to us. I let go of Datev and she hugs Charles. "Nice seeing you." Charles says letting go of Datev. She nods and smiles. Alli stands up and smiles at Datev. "Where's Kevin?" Datev looks around then shrugs, "I don't know." We laugh and go make reservations. When they get a table big enough for all of us we all sit down. I sit next to Alli and Gavin. Then everyone kind of finds some place to sit. On our way to the restaurant we picked up John and Hank green, Zoe and Alfie, the band, Jesse and Jeana, Philip DeFranco, Deystorm, then a few of shays friends. After we ate we said bye to everyone and left. My family and the tards walked to out hotel together. Gavin smiles at me and gets off the elevator with his family. Alli wraps her arm around me and smiles, "did you have fun today?" I nod and hug her, "I was glad I got to see Rylan and Reagan." Charles smiles and me and picks up Anna. Chaz walks over to Alli and she picks him up. We get off of the elevator and go to our room. Charles and Alli put the twins to sleep and I go to my room. Allie says goodnight and goes to hers. Charles comes in and kisses my head, "go to sleep, we have to get up early." I nod and he leaves. Alli comes in and lays on the bed, "Nathan just called me." I sit next to her, "everything ok?" She nods, "he said he got everything out of the house that was his." I nod and she sits up, "I love you." I smile and hug her. "Love you two." We both get the bed ready and go to sleep.


Part two!

Yay I did it

Well I think I'm going to do the Shaytards one shot now.

Sound good?


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