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Chapter forty-three
(Allie's POV)
"Brianna has a brain tumor."
I look at Charles and he has tears in his eyes,
"There are two options. One, you can leave the tumor in. The tumor is small and shouldn't grow but leaving it in could cause a lifetime of seizures and migraines. Two, you can have it surgically removed. With that option she only has a 40% chance of living since she is so young. I will let you two decide."
He leaves the room and I fall into Charles' arms,
"What are we going to do?" I ask, sobbing into Charles.
"I don't know. If we don't do the surgery she will be in so much pain. If we do the surgery she might not make it." Charles pulls himself away.
"I'm sorry. If we never did that two years ago we wouldn't be here right now deciding our daughters life."
"Don't apologize. We did this because we loved each other no matter what happened..."
"Should we do the surgery?"
I look at Brianna then nod.
"I think that's the better option."
Charles nods and hugs me.
"I love you." He kisses my head and picks up Brianna.
"I love you too." We walk out of the room and find the doctor.
"Did you guys figure out what you will do?"
I look at Charles and nod.
"We are going to have her do the surgery." He nods and we walk to the front desk.
"We can get her in, let's say, a week?"
Charles nods,
"Sounds good." We get the appointment set up and thank the doctor.
We leave the waiting room and head to our car.
"I love you Bri." I kiss her head and hug her.
She lays her head on my shoulder.
"I love you mommy."
We head home in a silent car.
"What if something goes wrong?" I whisper to Charles.
"Nothing will go wrong, she will be fine."
"Charles, don't say that just to make me feel better. Honestly, what do you think will happen?"
I look through the mirror at Brianna.
"She will make it. That's what I think."
"Char, she's so young. She has a 40% chance of living."
"And she will live." I sigh and keep my eyes on the road.
"I'm scared."
"I know you are, so am I." Charles puts his hand on my leg and smiles at me.
We get home and Charles gets Brianna out of the car.
I unlock the door and close it once they get in.
Kristen comes down and smiles at us.
"So is she fine?" I look at Charles and he shakes his head.
He smile fades and she frowns.
"What's wrong...?"
"She has a brain tumor and we chose to do surgery in a week. She only has a 40% chance of living." I say as I feel tears trying to escape my eyes.
I blink and let them all fall.
Kristen hugs me and cries. Charles hugs me and kisses my cheek.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Kristen let's go of me and picks up Brianna.
"I'm going to go upstairs with her." I nod and she goes upstairs.
I wrap my arms around Charles' neck and cry.
"Hey, she will be ok. She will live and she will be fine."
I nod and start sobbing.
"I'm sorry, this shouldn't have happened. We should've never done what we did. We were being stupid and now our daughter has a tumor all because of me."
I pull myself away,
"It wasn't because we were being stupid it's because we were in love." I give him and kiss and I sit on the couch.
He sits next to me and wraps his arm around me.
I lay my head on his chest.
After a while I stand up.
"I'm going to go check on Kristen and Brianna."
Charles nods and I go upstairs
Before I open her door I hear her talking to Brianna.
I start tearing up to what she was saying.
(Kristen's POV)
I can't believe Brianna has a tumor.
She might not even make it after the surgery.
"Bri, I just want you to know that I love you very much," I say starting to cry,
"I hope the surgery goes well and you get to live with the best parents there ever will be. I feel as if your mom is my mom rather than my mom being my mom. I know that was confusing but what I'm saying is your mom is more of a mom figure than Alli Speed is to me."
I kiss her head and my door opens.
"That was so sweet." I look up and see Allie,
"You weren't supposed to hear that." I stand up acting like I said nothing.
"Kristen, it's ok if you're sad, we all are sad." She comes to hug me but I push her away.
"I'm not sad." I cross my arms and sit on my sofa.
"Kristen, don't avoid it." She sits next to me and wraps her arm around me.
"I'm not avoiding anything." I scoot away and she sighs,
"Kristen, it's ok to be sad. Do you want to talk to your father about it?" I nod and stand up.
I walk down the steps and go to my dad.
"Dad, can we talk about Brianna?" He turns around.
"Sure." He stands up and walks to the kitchen.
"Can we go outside?" He nods and opens the sliding door.
We sit down by the pool and put our legs in.
"What do you want to talk about?"
"What if she doesn't make it? What will happen to our family? Will you have more seizures? Will you and Allie separate?" Charles sighs and turns to face me,
"We don't know if she will make it our not, we just pray that she will make it. I don't really know what will happen to our if she does pass, and if she passes I most likely will have more seizures because I will be very stressed with the bills and preparing the funeral and getting rid if everything in her room. I don't think Allie and I will separate but we never know, we could be too stressed and we might not be happy." I lay my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist.
"So we just hope for the best?" He nods and kisses my head.
Allie comes out and sits on the other side of me.
She lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my waist.
I smirk and back up a little bit.
I push them both in the pool with my feet and I start laughing a ton.
"Kristen! I can't believe!" Charles yells splashing me.
"I needed to lighten the mood." Allie laughs and looks at Charles.
"It worked." Charles gets out of the pool soaking wet.
"Thanks Kristen!" He says and runs towards me.
I run inside and grab his laptop and phone.
"I'm armed!" He sighs and walks upstairs. I put his stuff down and walk back out to the patio.
"Allie, why are you still in the pool?"
"It feels good." I laugh and walk back inside but I'm stopped by Charles.
"Got you." I scream and he picks me up.
He walks over to the edge of the pool and I grab his shirt.
"No, please don't." He drops me in the pool and I come up glaring at him.
"You're welcome!" He laughs and walks back inside.
Allie and I both get out of the pool and go change.
Once we get back downstairs we start watching a movie marathon with Chaz and Anna.
"I love spending time with you guys."
This is a different chapter
I don't know why but it's different to me
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