Waking up

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Chapter thirty-two

Charles' POV

It's been a week and a half and Kristen hasn't woken up. I've been going to the hospital with Alli every day. We sit in the room together and watch over Kristen. They said her wrist is starting to heal and her ribs are still screwed up. Her head hasn't gotten any better or worse. I hold Kristen's hand and kiss her forehead. Alli does the same on the other side, "do you think she will make it?" She asks me, "of course she will make it. She has gone through so much." Alli wipes her eyes, "I hate seeing her like this." The doctor comes in holding his clipboard, "so your daughter has head injury on her right side so her left side will be slower. She might also have double vision when she awakens, if she does." We both nod, "thank you for the update." I say and he nods and leaves. I look at Alli and stand up. She wipes her eyes and does the same, "want to get some food?" I ask her. She nods and we walk to the cafeteria. We get some food and eat. As we are walking back to the room we hear someone yell, "she's awake!" Nurses start running right to our daughters room. I look at Alli and we both run to the room. "Sir, Ma'am we need you two to stay out." "But that's our daughter!" A nurse holds us back as they check up on her. Is she really that bad? "It's a miracle!" Someone yells. I look at Alli and hug her. We have our daughter back. The group of nurses finally leave and we are allowed in. Kristen looks at us, confused. "It might take a while for her to get her memory back." We nod and sit on either side of her, "hi sweetie." I say kissing her forehead. She smiles at me and Alli, "Mom? Dad?" I smile at Alli and she starts crying. Kristen looks at me then at Alli. She has so many wires hooked up to her. I hate seeing her like this. Alli hugs Kristen and cries. Kristen jumps and looks at Alli, "it hurts." Alli looks at her, "what?" "My chest." She says pointing at her ribs. I nod, "do you remember what happened?" She looks over at me, confused, "no what happened?" Alli starts to speak, "you were in a bad car accident." Alli points to Kristen's wrist, "you broke your wrist, some ribs and had major head injuries." The doctor comes in with a clipboard, "I'm here to ask her some questions that you two filled out." We nod and he stands in front of her, "what is your full name?" "Kristen... Cole... Trippy." The doctor nods, "how old are you?" She thinks then answers, "17." He nods, "what are your parents full names?" "Charles Paul Trippy the third and Allison Rose..." She looks over at Alli, "Speed?" Alli shakes her head, "still Trippy." Kristen nods, "Allison Rose Trippy." The doctor looks at us then Kristen, "are your parents divorced? If so what are their new partners names?" She nods, "Allie and Nathan." "What are your siblings names?" "Umm... Anna... Chaz... Brianna... Jackson..." The doctor nods, "what are your pets names?" "Zoey, Marley, and Chico." ""what state do you live in?" "California." The doctors nods again, "what is your boyfriends name?" She looks at him confused, "boyfriend...? Oh! Gavin Butler." "What's his parents names?" "Shay Butler and Colette Butler." "What are his siblings names?" "Avia... Emmi... Brock... Daxton... and Kamri..." The doctor nods and leaves the room. "Good job sweetie." Alli says kissing her cheek. I look at her and grab her left hand. "Can you squeeze my hand?" She tries but fails, "no." I look at Alli. She looks at Kristen and speaks, "can you move your fingers?" Kristen looks at her left hand and moves her fingers. I nod and smile, "lift up your hand." She slowly lifts it a few inches from the bed, "good job." I kiss her forehead, "I love you." She smiles and kisses my cheek slowly. "Love you too." She lays her head back down and closes her eyes. Alli stands up and stretches. She looks at her phone and sighs, "I need to get home, Jackson has a doctors appointment." I sigh and nod, "have fun." She rolls her eyes, "want me to drive you home?" I shake my head, "I'm fine, I'll stay with Kristen." She nods and hugs me, "I'll come back after the appointment, ok?" I nod and smile, "see you later." She leaves and I sit alone with Kristen. The nurse comes in and wakes her up, "you need to eat." She helps Kristen sit up and starts feeding her. Kristen eats only a few bites then pushes the food away. The nurse keeps trying to feed her though, "I'm done." Kristen says pushing the spoon away. The nurse sighs and still tries to feed her. I laugh because Kristen is going to get mad. "I said I'm done!!" She screams and flips the tray. I cover my mouth and laugh. The nurse gasps and picks up the food. Kristen glares at her until she leaves, I have my old Kristen back. Kristen looks at me, "what?" I shake my head and laugh, "nothing."

Alli later comes in and I tell her what Kristen did. She laughs and smiles at her, "we have our old Kristen back." I say smiling at Kristen. She smiles back at me. Alli grabs Kristen's left hand and squeezes it. "Can you squeeze back?" Kristen shakes her head. I kiss her forehead, "you're getting closer." The nurse from earlier comes in to try and feed Kristen again. I look at her and raise my eyebrows, "she isn't going to eat." The nurse shrugs, "then see if you can get her to eat. She is unhealthy, she needs food." I nod and she hands me some applesauce to feed her. I open it up and get some on the spoon. I show her and she shakes her head, "please, for me and your mom?" She shakes her head again, "I'm not hungry." "Kristen, you need to eat baby." Alli says. Kristen sighs, "fine." I smile and start to feed her. She finally finished the applesauce and I throw the cup away, "thank you." She shrugs and closes her eyes. Alli stands up and so do I, "should we go?" I nod and kiss Kristen's forehead. Alli does the same and we leave her room. I hug Alli and we walk to her car together. I get in the passenger side and she gets in the driver seat. She turns the car on and backs out of the space. She drives to my house and drops me off. Since it's dark and Allie isn't home she walks to the door with me. Before I go in I hug her and don't let go. She doesn't fight it, she just let's it happen. I let go and smile at her, "tomorrow I'm going to have Gavin come with us, ok?" She nods and hugs me again, "see you tomorrow." I rest my chin on her head. I miss the old days, when we were in love with each other. She rests her head on my chest. We both let go and look into each other's eyes, "love you Charles." She says and kisses my cheek. It was a friendly kiss, "Love you too Alli." I say smiling. I go inside and she walks to her car. I close my door as she backs out of the driveway. I go to the couch and lay down, waiting for Allie to get home with Brianna.


Long chapter!

I'm in a hotel

And it's super noisy


ok I need to sleep!

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