Two ×

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June 16, 2014

"You going to come over and hang out or what?" Carter asks me through the phone. "Even though he'll be here."

"Yeah, I'll be over in a little bit. I have to take Mason to get his shots. So," I say walking down the stairs and towards the sliding glass door to get Mason.

"Yeah, I forgot. So about an hour?" He asks.

"Maybe two, just text me the address and I'll be there when I get there." I laugh picking up Mason.

"Alright, bye. Love ya'." He says before hanging up. I stuff my phone into my pocket and shut the door before walking out to my car.





"The party has arrived!" I laugh walking into the house, the first people I see are Madison and Carter making food in the kitchen.

"Yeah mhm sure," Carter scoffs. I smirk and make my way around the island, kissing his cheek before pulling myself up onto the counter.

"Where's Cameron and Nash?" I ask as my phone buzzes in my pocket.

I pull it out and open the text from Matthew.

From Mattchu

Hey bb (:

To Mattchu ♡

Hey B :)

"Cameron's visiting his mom and Jake. While Nash is in his room," He informs me and I smirk. "Yes he's sleeping."

"I'll be right back." I smile before jumping off the counter and going into Nash' room, his body sprawled out on his bed.

I set my phone down on his dresser and take my shoes off before getting onto the bed and jumping.

"Wake up, wake up, every body wake up." I belt out random words and he groans, reaching out and grabbing my ankle, making me fall on top of him.

"How about no." He says into his pillow, his words coming out muffled but I still understood him.

"Yeah, come on. I don't want to be the only one out there. Come onnnnnn." I say rolling off the bed, pulling on his arm once I'm standing up.

"Ugh, just go away." He groans sitting up and running his hand over his face before running it through his hair.

"No, now come on. If I have to be around Cameron and his girlfriend, you're coming with me to suffer." I inform him, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Cameron doesn't even act like she's his girlfriend here. He only does in public." He tells me and I look over at him.

"Why is that? You'd think it'd be the opposite." I point out and he gives me a flat look.

"Its an act. He doesn't want to be with her but he doesn't want to make the fans think he's a horrible person for breaking up with her after just a couple weeks." He says, standing up and stretching.

Just in his boxers. "I doubt that," I say and he sighs.

"Its true, just watch. He won't even kiss Madison here." He says pulling on some pants and a shirt.

"Yeah, doesn't mean she won't kiss him." I mutter, gosh I just need to get over him already.

"Yeah, she probably will. But he'll just pull away. He knows it'll just piss you off more if he kisses her in front of you, all he wants is for you to forgive him."

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