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I stare at Cameron, in utter shock.

"I need time... I need time to process this." I mutter, standing up and grabbing my keys. "I'll call you later, if I can."

With that I walk out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen, Angel suddenly tackling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I just I didn't, I don't even know why I did that."

"It's nothing Angel, I promise." I mumble pushing him back away from me. "I have to go,"

"Where are you going?" He asks stepping in front of me.

"I don't know yet," I mutter looking down. "I just can't be around Cameron right now."

How many times are we going to go through this? He will always be a cheater I guess. That whole promise ring thing didn't mean anything I guess.

I have only slept with one guy that isn't Cameron, my whole life. How many girls has he slept with while we were actually together? To many to count.

Yet I'm the one who gets called a slut and that I need to stop playing with his emotions, seriously.

I will forgive him, it's obvious. I just can't deal with it right now. It was not the right time to tell me that, especially with everything going on.

The boys turned their attention to Cameron, but Angel just stared at me. "You can't drive if you're like this.."

"Fine, I'll just walk to Kevin's. No big deal, here." I say placing my keys into his hand and walking down the driveway. I stop and open my car door grabbing my headphones.

After plugging them in to pandora, The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez being the first song to play as I walk down the sidewalk. I quickly text Kevin, telling him to meet me half way.

I take a deep breath and exhale sharply as I think about Cameron, my heart hurting. "Callie," Kevin says wrapping his arms around me. I sigh, finally someone who I can trust.

"Hey," I mumble into his chest.

"I'll wait to ask... Where do you want to go?"

"Let's walk down to the beach." I say running a hand through my hair. I know it'll come me down. The ocean is like my safe haven. It's so peaceful and relaxing. He nods and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk in silence.

About twenty five minutes later we were walking down the stairs to the beach. I slide my shoes and socks off as my feet come in contact with the cold sand.

"So? Can you please explain to me what happened? What's been happening? We haven't talked in a cool minute. Besides the hi's at school."

I sigh rubbing my eyes as I plop down onto the sand, Kevin sitting right next to me.

"I gave into Cameron, and everything was going legitamently great. I haven't talked to Matthew or Lesly in like a few weeks. But tonight I just needed Matthew, and he wasn't there. Then I get home and Angel flipped, and then Cameron just had to fucking tell me some girl is pregnant with his baby. My life is like a fucking soap opera." I laugh bitterly as I lean into his side.

If any fans seen me out here like this, they'd be sure to call me a hoe and say I'm cheating on Cameron. Again. I only cheated once and I don't even regret it.

"Talk to Matthew then, just tell him that he has to meet you somewhere and lay it on him. Angel's stressed because him and Liz are going through something right now, I'm sure he didn't mean it. But fuck, I don't know what to say about Cameron, it's the same old shit."

"He made a mistake, we all make them. Gosh, I sound so fucking pathetic. It sucks because I love him so damn much and I just want to spend the rest of my life with him. I just don't want to spend it miserable because he can't keep his dick in his damn pants. He should be happy because all he has to do is ask and I come through."

"Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice. Callie do you really want to spend the rest of your life knowing all the shit he has done to you? It's not fair to you. You need to leave him for good. I'm sorry but it's just the truth." He sighs rubbing my back soothingly. 

He's right. But I'm probably not going to leave Cameron.

"I just need to think about this, like really think about it." I say softly. "Thank you Kevster."

"I'm always here, so are the boys. You ever need someone, any of us will be there for you in an instant. Promise."

I smile, "I know. I'm lucky to be friend's with such great guys. Haha.. All the girls in school drool over you guys and here I am trying to avoid y'all."

"Yeah okay, you know you want us." He says sticking his tongue out at me. I just shake my head laughing. "Awh yeah, I got you to laugh."

"You know how to make me laugh," I reason, "it's not that hard loser."

"I'm offended." He scoffs holding his hand over his heart.

"Sucks to suck."

"We should go to the party at Danny's." He suggests. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I look like shit, and feel like shit no thanks."

"Don't be a party pooper. I'm sure Isela and all of them are going to be there. For sure they are."

"Well good for them, as much as it sounds inviting, I'd rather not. I'm not even dressed for a party." I say gesturing to the brown leggings attached to my legs and my black tank top.

"Come onnnnnnnn. You look like a million dollars anyways,"

I groan, "fine but I'm not staying long."

"That's perfectly fine with me, I'll drive you home whenever you wanna go home."

"Ewh don't mention home." I laugh grabbing his hands so he can pull me up.

He just laughs and we walk back to the street, before heading back to his house to get his car.





"Fine whatever," I mumble into Cameron's chest as we lay on the couch. I feel like crap, and I agreed to talk to Cameron.

Stupid move because when a girl is on her period, the hormones are just crazy.

"So you forgive me?"

"Whatever Cameron. Chill." I groan, I have the worst headache and he won't shut up about me forgiving him.

"I love you."

"Whatever." I mumble as he presses his lips against mine, "I hate you too babe."

He laughs and I smile numbly, I guess I'm just another fool.

(A/N - SORRYSORRY I said I was going to update like two days ago but something came up and yeah... Lame excuse I know.



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Stay Beautiful - Sam Pottorff

xxx Chyanneee)

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