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"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we never met?" Cameron asks me curiously as we sit at a fancy table in this restuarant I have yet to learn the name of.

"I would of met you either way, Cameron.. But you know, you probably would have never thought of me as anything but another fan."

"No I knew I was in love with you the moment Taylor showed us the picture of Angel and you and Angel's phone, and to be honest, I was pretty nervous because I thought you were Angel's girlfriend." He laughs, "because you two look nothing like each other."

"We're half brother and sister, we have the same mom." I say shaking my head at the fact I even said mom. She's a horrible person, really. "But I fell in love with you before I even seen you, Cat, uhm she was watching this video and I heard your voice and I just.. Yeah, she told me your name but she had no idea who you were and I became your number one fan and look, now I'm the girl you are in love with, the only girl I hope."

I push back the bill in my throat from speaking of Cat, and smiled.

He laughs, "of course you're the only girl that I love, and you will be the only girl I ever love, i promise."

I smile wider and lean across the table pecking his lips sweetly before sitting in my chair again. "I'm happy we have gotten through everything,"

"Me too.." He says looking down at the table for a few secons before meeting my eyes again, he's hiding something, and I don't want to hear it.

Just forget it, Callie.

"Sorry to make this dinner short, I have to go out with George catch up on some stuff, we haven't talked in like a week so we have a lot to catch up on." I say standing up, grabbing my gray cardigan and purse.

"Alright, am I supposed to come over tonight?" He asks curiously standing up and giving me a hug.

"Uhm, not tonight." I frown pressing my lips to his cheek, "call me later, we can figure out something. Love you,"

With that he murmurs an I love you as I walk out to my car, starting it and sighing. I See Fire, by Ed Sheeran and I lean into my seat before driving off.

It wasn't a lie, I have to meet George, but not for another thirty minutes, I just wanted to go see Matthew.

He's probably with Lesly, don't bother them.

I contemplate before pulling over to the side of the road, dialing Matthew's number and calling. It ringing a few times before I get his voicemail.

I stare at the cars passing me as I wait for the beep, "Matt, it's really starting to get old, you never call, you never even text me anymore. It's sad, because if it wasn't for me Matt you would have never met Lesly, and honestly I really don't want to deal with this shit right now... I don't understand why you suddenly don't give a fuck about my existence. But you know, I've come to the conclusion that I quit, you and Lesly, yeah you two have a nice life."

I had tears streaming down my cheeks, it hurt, like a lot. I already lost my best friend to suicide and when I finally get close to someone they just act like I don't exist just because they get a girlfriend.

What sucks the most is I just needed Matt right now, and he didn't even feel like answering the damn phone.

I shake my head and wipe away the tears, dialing Gilinsky's number. But never pressing call. Finally I compose myself and drive home, Angel shouldn't be home, he should be out with Elizabeth and I could reschedule with George, he would understand.

I just wanted to be alone. I wouldn't to take the time to myself to ghet aride of every thing I had from Matthew, and Cat. I wanted it all gone. I didn't want to think about it anymore, I didn't want to think about them anymore. Sadly when I got home Angel's car was in the driveway, along with the SUV that the boys use when they all go somewhere.

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