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"Are you finally ready?" Angel asks walking into my room, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, are Matt and Cam here?" I ask picking up my purse and phone.

"Yuhp, already in the car waiting for your slow ass." He scoffs giving me a dirty look.

"Whatever ass. Let's go." I laugh pushing him out of my room. Jack walking behind me.

Once were about to walk outside I stop walking and turn to Jack.

"I'll see you when you come back to Cali," I murmur against his chest as I hug him.

"Okay," he sighs kissing my forehead. "I'll see you then."

I smile and kiss him.

"Bye," I mumble as he walks towards the uber car. "Text me,"

"Will do." He smiles waving as I get into the passenger seat of Angel's car.

"What's up?" I ask the guys turning the radio down.

"Apparently Jacks post on instagram." Matt mutters. I look at him and he sighs. "Never mind."

Cameron looked out of the window the moment Matt mentioned the picture.

"Today should be fun." I smile sighing as I lean my head back and watch the road move underneath us.





"You're so stupid," I laugh pushing Angel away from me. He smirks and pulls me over to a ice cream shop.

Cameron and Matt following behind. "How are you not tired?" Matthew asks me, watching me as I look around taking in all the lights.

"I'm just really happy, you should know I'm good at staying out late abd bever getting tired." I say, Angel handing me a ice cream cone with my favorite ice cream flavor inside.

"No, I wouldn't. Cameron would though." He smiles. I roll my eyes and lick the ice cream.

"Speaking of staying up late," Angel pauses handing Cameron and Matthew ice cream cones. "We have to leave earlier enough for you to change into something fancy because we're going out to dinner with... This girl I'm really into."

I stare at him, a smile growing on my lips. "I finally get to meet her?!" I exclaim jumping up and down like a little girl.

"Yes, but please don't embarrass me." He frowns.

"I will try my hardest to embarrass you, I have quite a lot of baby pictures of you in my phone. Like that one where you we're on the trampoline and fell off into the mud and you looked like you had dog shit all over your face and you looked so happy. Ohhhhh, I could caption that as first time eating the booty." I say cracking myself up as I lick my ice cream.

He rolls his eyes and walks away from me. "Fine. I'll pull out that one where you we're in your crib playing with your own poop." He smirks.

"I did not! What!" I say following him. He just laughs. "That was all you, ass wipe."

"You we're the poop baby. Sorry not sorry." He laughs.

"Wanna swap ice creams?" I ask off topic. He just shrugs and we awkwardly eat some of each others ice cream.

"This is instagram worthy," Cameron laughs showing Angel and I a picture of us eating each others ice creams.

"Send that to me, for instagram." Angel says happily as he licks his ice cream.

We all sat down to eat our ice cream and made small talk. "I wanna go get ready already." I sigh running a hand through ny hair after finishing my ice cream cone. "But I never wanna leave here."

"I'm nervous for you to meet Elizabeth." Angel tells me leaning back in the chair he's sitting in.

"I'm sure Elizabeth will love Callie, everyone loves Callie." Cameron says.

"No I'm worried that Callie won't approve of Elizabeth." Angel sighs.

I stare at him. "If you're happy with her and she treats you right I could really care less, I just wanna see you happy."

He sighs but doesn't say anything. "Cameron will you come with me to get a mickey hat?" I ask standing up.

He nods and follows me. "What have you been up too?" I ask him as we walk to one of the stores.

"Hanging out with Andrea," he tells me honestly wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I knew that, because of your snapchat stories calling her hottie. Do you like her?" I ask him. Curiosity getting the best of me.

Curiosity killed the cat.

"Yeah, I think I do. She's great." He says. I nod grabbing two pairs of mickey ears handing one to Cameron.

"Even though she shaded you and your friends in the past." I mumble shaking my head. "I'm happy for you,"

"She'll never take your place though." He admits putting the hat on. It was crooked so I reached up fixing it.

"Maybe one day." I smile fixing his jacket before turning away from him.

"Doubtful." He says paying for the ears. "I'm happy for you and Jack too. I guess, I mean I know it was you in the instagram post."

"Thanks," I sigh taking my flannel off of my waist and pulling it on. "I'm glad Andrea makes you happy even though she totally shaded you and every one else. But yeah, I'm happy for you."

"I never said she makes me happy." He points out.

"Well she obviously does if you like her." I say as we approach Angel and Matthew still sitting there.

"Ready to go?" Angel asks us. I nod sighing.

"I think so." Matt smiles.

I had a good time with my boys today.





"You're Elizabeth?" I ask the gorgeous girl that was already waiting for Angel and I.

"If it's a bad thing, no. But if its not yes." She smiles standing, "you must be Callie."

"It's a good thing, you're gorgeous! And yes ma'am I am." I smile giving her a hug. Angel and her hugging, he plants a small kiss on her lips before we all sit down.

"You are too, I've heard a lot about you." She smiles.

"Angels very secretive about you, so sadly I can't say I've heard a lot but from what I have heard you seem like a wonderful girl." I smile.

"I'm glad I finally get to meet you, honestly I've been waiting for this for forever." She tells me.

"Me too," I agree.

After what seemed like five minutes, it was really two hours, of talking Angel stood up, taking a picture of Elizabeth and posting it onto instagram.

And she came back to the house with us to watch movies and hang out.

Today's been such a great day.

Just Another Friend (editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن