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It's not worth it any other way
It's passion or death today
Battle now or turn and go home
If you won't fight I'll do this alone

Highways entangle by the thousands it seems
Each could be the way to death or our dreams
Some lead round the city in endless circles
In maddening monotony, binding us like chain and shackles

Failure left us trapped, it's freedom we crave
We're the vicious wild youth, ready to be saved
If we're lucky a miracle or two will save us
But in the end will we ever have a friend to trust?

I don't need a fairy tale ending
Happily ever afters aren't my thing
But I don't want to be alone in this state
With life's non-stop sprint it's hard to keep a happy face

With each day the weight increases
My legs are still and shaking
Come close and hold me please
Even though I know you're on your knees

Take some time and rest your head
We can dream about the good days instead
Maybe we could take eachother away from this place
This world is nothing like our carefree days
I'm not sure how much longer I can hold up the pace

These entangling highways leave me in such a daze

This poem was inspired by the highways in my city. There's a small area where every highway in the city crosses over eachother, get there and you can get almost anywhere in the city.

This poem is about about life, and how those seemingly endless highways can lead us anywhere. All we have to do is keep up the fast pace.

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