They're more than the monsters under my bed

22 4 15

I was awoken by the laughter of a small child
Splashing in the stream, but speaking so mild
Wearing an Ivory satin dress, her hair was in waves
And she owned a contagious giggle to brighten the darkest of days

The air was heavy with the smell of Jasmine and fresh water
It seemed so peaceful you could curl up in the grass and sleep for hours
She grasped my hand and took running through a field
She stumbled, turned around, and said "Are you dreaming too?
You won't like it but you'll have to wake up soon"

The robins and finches harmonize with the waterfalls
But she whispered "tread carefully or these lullabies will be your downfall
Because if you fall asleep you'll wake up and fail
Rest isn't an option because the monsters keep wary eyes and ears
You're supposed to trust the monsters but mine always bring me to tears"

"But a happy land is all anyone ever sees

When I ask for help no one believes me"

So there we are, walking through the fields
I know she's a little piece of dream representing youth and it's little fears
I'm not really sure what a little maturity has done heal me
Or what it's done to heal all the memories that caused so many scars

All the screams of my childhood that was meant to be so carefree
Just a chance to learn, but I couldn't even breathe
Around the monsters that were supposed to protect me

I knew it was almost time to open my eyes
She looked up at me, looking like she was about to cry
She hugged me and whispered softly
"Before you say goodbye can you do something?
I know I can seem so happy, but could you be the first to believe in me?"

All she needed was one person to believe



Ok, this one was really hard to post. It started out somewhat happy when I first started writing it, but in the end I poured my heart out and made it about some bad past experiences. I do like the more storytelling style it brings though, I hope you guys like it too. :3

The song "coda" by echos originally sparked my imagination, and it evolved a bit from there.

Also, I'd like to apologize for my lack in poetry lately, I've been in a rough block recently, but I'll try to shake it and make more soon. Thanks for being patient guys.

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