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Leave your worries behind you
The roads unwind, so should your mind

The air is heavy with the scent of fresh flowers and midnight dew
Just breathe in and let the fresh oxygen heal you

Tires gripping asphalt half past two in the morning
Drizzles and drips turn to rain, now it's pouring

Drive us deeper into the backcountry
Soon to forget the horrors we've all seen

Take my head another mile into the middle of nowhere
We'll be safe if for only a minute we forgot our cares

It feels like hours now since we passed the city limits sign
Deer gallop in the fields of untended rye

Don't lie to yourself and say you don't want to be that free
I can see you're craving this just as much as me

Inspired by my love of long, quiet car rides. This next poem is a bit short, but expresses my desires of freedom. Freedom from responsibilities, monotony, and even my own emotions.

Raise your hand if you like late night drives away from the city lights and noise like I do. 

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