Has no one told you she's not breathing?

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(TW! If stuff referring to suicide bothers you please don't read)

Entrancing gray arterial rhythms
Half dead heartbeat under her skin
Her breath stutters like her muscles
In her last moment before your fall
Quivering under the weight of adrenaline

Tell her to end the suffering
Tell her it's finally her time
You can't make her feel what she needs
But hearing it might give her mild ease
Reassurance for hope on the other side
I beg you to tell her it'll be alright

You crushed her, broke her like stale bread
Seconds after she finally trusted you again
You're an abuser to everything you touch
Let's face it, you're better off alone
Away from what's still innocent in us

Are you proud of yourself to any extent?
Who am I kidding? You've seen so much
Endless amounts of fear and abandonment
You're a monster and you don't even realize it

There's not a wound on her body
But she's slowly slipping away
She couldn't take her family finding her
With a bullet through her brain
Pills made the job a bit cleaner
But to her it was all the same

You know weren't supposed to find her before her family could
You knew she was hurting, you knew she was dealing with pain
Until now, no one truly understood
Not even you, the reason she was at the edge in the first place

Hold her, make the last seconds okay
Whisper in her ear, remind her she'll be missed
The least you could do is break it to them lightly
Instead of the violence she was left to bear
Make it seem by death she was gently kissed

Make her a martyr to her pain and that of others
Make sure they know what it's like to see someone in that much pain
Start the motions to make sure a tragedy like her doesn't repeat again

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