Plastic Stars (part II)

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Heavenly moonlight, how you fall upon his skin
Sweet angel almost frozen, longing for warmth again
Lines of light and exhaustion are falling upon his face
She knew it was time, for a grand and dangerous escape

It was the most frigid winter of the century
Fuel and rations were held in fearful greed
Little did they know, the worst was soon to come
He felt it in his already wilting feathers
On the horizon was a lifeless, starving kind of weather

A madwoman does all in her power to wear down a stone or two in the old structure
High-profile bangs and thuds echo through the streets
Citizens emerge from their abodes, unsure of what they'll see

Her angel escaped in time
Through a lucky weak crack in his ringing prison
So they ran as fast as their feet could carry them
People don't react well when they see a man with black wings
So they ran like there was fire beneath their feet

They made it up the fire escape with time to spare
With a couple of warm cups of tea, they almost forgot their cares
There was a modern day mob, minus the pitchforks and torches
There's nosey, frightened people downtown in this little town

Her late father's old peacoat would hide his giant wings
Father was tall and strong, so about five sizes too big for her
But a perfect fit for her angel now in hiding
Coat in hand, she climbs upon his back
Wing spread wide, for out of this town they hope to fly

But bone-biting winds like to blow stronger than his withering wings
With little hope and plans they had to walk to the train station
Cover up your wings and get a ticket out of this place
Get to the Grand cities where no one knows your face
As irrational as it sounds, the last thing he needs is to be found

The train flies down snow dusted tracks
Seated in the train she holds him in joy, feeling safe at last
But sadly she was mistaken
One man on the train recognized his face
And by his appearance, was still a bit shaken

The man hobbled closer, whether to investigate or tattle was unclear

She decided it was was time for them both to find somewhere else to go

But where do you run when you're on a moving train?

I'll tell you, up and out
As his wings spread she let out a shout
Knowing he'd leave her on her own
One gust of wind took him toward the heavens
He disappeared among the cedar and towering evergreens

She just sat in shock, wondering if she'll ever see his face again


This one is a sequel to a poem I wrote awhile ago about a girl who finds an angel trapped in a bell tower, keeping him company on lonely nights. I'm pretty sure this poem makes slightly more sense in the context of the first. xD

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