My last year

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We all have the memories we want to live again
The laughs with every one of your old friends 
Maybe we could go back and forget the reasons they never talked to you again

It was just a few mistakes and overreactions 
So don't hurt yourself over simple little mistakes and actions

Wait, I have a question
What if I told you had a year left to live?
Would you stay home with your family
Or run ten-thousand miles to set your soul free?
Together we could see everything we wanted to

Just you and me
Just my arms to guide your heart to see

Maybe it's time to take a risk, just to live life
I'd think by now you'd be ready to get out
But I know what it's like to love your little old house
Funny plumbing and cracks in the ceiling
It has character...and bad wiring

Maybe I'm getting a bit off track here
My question is, who are you?
I've had enough of people who sit and complain when it's time to give up hope
I need someone to set the world on fire with me when we're at the end of our rope

So are you who I think you are?

When things look bleak I'll just run faster
Because living connected to the world is what really matters
I can't quite tell if this is you or me anymore

Are you still a child at heart like me?
Show me a bit of that honest heart of gold
I miss the soft sweet sparkle in your eyes
That was when we were both so curious of the world


Sorry for the late updates lately, I've been in the hugest writer's block OF MY LIFE. It's been really hard to write, let alone write things I like. Hopefully I'll get out of this funk soon.

Thanks to my regular readers for sticking with me c:

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