A Life Without Passion

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Passion is the fire in my soul
It brings to life colors so beautiful
Passion is the warmth to my living creativity
Keeping it alive for constant improvement
And ideas as wide as the sea

Losing your passion is equivalent to winter of the soul
All those colors washed away by snow
All the light covered by clouds and chimney smoke
But they're ready to be reborn again
The snow gives way to new existence
The wildflowers bloom as ideas do

I've been there and back a hundred times
Trying to find what feels right
Maybe I've been trying too hard
I don't realize you can't force an early end to night

I'm the ignorant, overachieving soul
The impatient child always wanting more
Nothing more than a kid with dreams
Wider than the glowing midnight sky
My flaw is not waiting for the fire to grow

I'm always forgetting there's patience in passion
And a constant passive flame
Keeping me going with a will to live
To inspire beauty every time I inch away
And feel two steps too close to insane



I think I'm finally getting my writing grove back. With that in mind I'll end up approaching my 100th poem and the end of this book soon. Before I begin a new volume, I need an idea for a title and loose theme. A reason to write, words to say, and an evolving message to bring. This brings me to what I feel is a very important question for you:

What do you feel the second volume should be named? What do my poems speak to you?

Hollow MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora