Responsibility and False Hope

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I explore and roam the woods on my worst of days
Hoping the breeze will temporarily blow life's intensities away
The scent of juniper oils might help me forget
The punch in the chest when he said I was no longer cared for

My past had started to feel like constant regret
It's all at the fault of my uncontrolled actions
My screwed up head and hurricane force emotions
I've been unreachable, and I'm so sorry love

I've given you so much you don't deserve and nothing that you do
I'm the guilty one, even though for years I've been blaming you
But don't worry, I'll make this change
Although I'm not sure if the right thing is walking away

Regardless my darling, it'll all be okay
You'll be who you want to be one day
Wipe your tears my love, I think it'll be just fine
We might grow unsure but true love makes this world divine
You'll find the right one in time

But now I'm unsure, I can't keep reassuring you with this constant fear
Scared half to death, but maybe that's okay
For some it's the thrill of trembling hands that makes it all worth it
After all, what else do you have in the end?

We're nothing but a speck in the world
And the earth a speck among the universe
There's no purpose if we can't make one
Things will stay the same as long as we're one of billions
In a world we barely belong in


That was actually really satisfing to put into words. I hope you guys like it :)

Also, EmmaEverAfter are you satisfied? It's somewhat about Will, just in a sorta abstract way XD

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