It's okay to be alone

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This isn't really a poem it's more of just me speaking my mind

It's okay to be alone. We hear it all the time and yet it feels so wrong and painful when we have nobody around us. We are human and even the most anti social of us want one or two friends to be by our side. But sometimes we are alone. It could be that we lost touch with some friends. Maybe had a break up with our significant other, everybody is so busy nobody has time for us, or maybe we just have nobody.
I've been there. In fact I'm there now more then I ever have been. My  "best friends" who don't even message me or ignore me are all gone. All my highschool friends stopped caring about me the week after graduation. Some people are only your friend because they see you 5 times a day but after that they don't care about you. It's a sad and harsh truth of the universe that we're all destined to be alone at some point in life.

For some of us it's a few days. Others it's weeks or months. Even years sometimes. Loniness seeps into our life and it makes us feel unwanted and unloved. Like something is wrong with us. Like we're the problem. All of my poetry these past few weeks have shown that side of my heart. I've been really lonely and it doesn't help that I see other people with their loved ones or friends or girlfriends on social media when I can't even get my own dog to care about me. It's a silly thing but it's been a real struggle trying to live and be happy with all that going on. I began to doubt myself and see myself as annoying and unwanted. I have to fight my depression almost nightly as I stay up to 4 and 5 in the morning silently crying as my heart yearns for someone.
I may not have any friends and I may be alone but that doesn't take away from me . Don't let it take away from you too. All I have is my job and my family keeping me sane, though I feel myself slipping back and forth into insanity as I lay on the brink. I wish I had the answer to how to get over it or how to combat this feeling. Loneliness isn't a problem solved by conventional means. If you're alone and nobody wants to be your friend or help you there's nothing you can do about it because the problem isn't you it's them.  Some people try to get over it by drinking or smoking the pain away. I just stay indoors and play video games all day trying to distract my heart from the pain that is inside of it. But at the end of the day we can't escape what's inside of us.

So if you're alone and if you're sad just don't give up on life. Keep on living and trying your best every day. Always hope for a better future. And if you have a friend who's sad or lonely and they reach out to you, please treat them kindly and be patient with them. Being rude or impatient with them will only strengthen the pain in them and make them believe they are the problem and much worse thoughts then that.
It's horrible to want attention but also to know that asking for it is wrong because society has taught us to not do it so we suffer in silence. But it's okay. Even when it's not okay it's okay. I have to tell myself that every day. And sometimes I believe it. Just keep on living and try to find people to talk to and hang out with. Don't give up on yourself.  You may feel alone but you're never alone in the battle to fight it.
I am here to talk to whoever when I can. I know what it's like to feel so alone and I know how horrible it is to fight it. I'm here to talk if you need it.
I still believe in the hearts of man and woman. We can and will get through this time. And even if I never get better, I want to help as many people where they don't feel the same as me.
I love each and every one of you. Stay strong and thank you for listening

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