Icarus Redemption

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Beautiful wings made of paper
Psuedo in appearance, but handled with great labor
Poems, qoutes, love letters form every feather
Standing on the edge of life and death, my resolve does not wither
The warm sky basks upon my face, leaving soft kisses
I look up to the crystal blue sky and see all my wishes
Love, aspirations, goals, dreams no longer held back by sleep
My heart races as I look off the cliff and take my leap
Bodies of murky water waiting beneath
Gravity pulling me closer to doom,  but I feel nothing but relief
Either I fly, or die doing what I love
Ended like a fool, or begin graceful like a dove
I spread my wings and brace myself
For the solid water or a gust of wind, I couldn't tell
A gust of wind picked me up and set me along the shores
I surpassed my fear, and the view is something to adore
Beneath me are all my failures and faults like an endless ocean that stretches over the horizon
But without their waves, there would be no wind to carry me higher, my adventure would be done
With new vigor, I shoot towards the sun with a mad dash
I remember icarus, how he was so passionate yet so brash
I'll fly further and closer then he ever did, I'll chase the rays that warm my soul
May my wings withstand the heat, may they stay whole
Stay strong enough just so I can savior the sky one more time
May I forget the long nights in their ugly grime
Let me fly or let me drown today
Burn by the sun, or drowning in the waters, I go out my way

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