Chapter 4 - You're the reason

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(Hailey) "Mom..." – I whisper.

Her body is lying on the floor. Her eyes closed and her face pale.

Like she's... No!

(Hailey) "Mom!" – I run to her.

I start shaking her shoulders but her eyes don't open. I put my ear on her chest but there's no sound. I take my phone out immediately and dial 911 while trying to do CPR on her.

My leg keeps bouncing involuntarily.

I'm shaking through everywhere...

I keep biting on my thumb nail.

I'm pretty sure my black polish is long gone.

No one told me anything yet. It's been two hours and I don't think I can even cry from how nervous I am. When we were in the ambulance, they got the chance to bring her back, but she crashed down again. Now, I'm in the waiting room waiting for someone to tell me about her.

Three more hours and still nothing. Now I don't think I'm nervous anymore... I'm feeling like my heart is clutching so much that it will stop eventually. My throat is caught up in a knot so big that I can't swallow it.

"Amanda Mathews?"

My head snaps to the nurse and I run to her.

(Hailey) "I'm her daughter, how is she?!"

"Your mother is suffering from a severe heart failure."

(Hailey) "What does that mean?"

"She'll need a heart transplant."

My hand flies to cover my mouth and the tears finally start falling down my eyes.

(Hailey) "Can I see her?"

"She's still resting. We're not sure when she'll wake up but you can see her for a few minutes, since the visitors' hours are ending."

I nod my head and follow her down the hallway. She opens the door to a room and I walk inside. Her body is lying on that bed, lifeless. The beeping from the machines attached to her is steady. I walk to her bed and I sit on the chair holding her hand.

She's so cold...

Some minutes later, the door opens and the same nurse walks inside.

"I'm sorry but you have to leave."

I nod my head and kiss my mom's forehead. I walk to the waiting room and I sit on one of the chairs.

Hours pass and people sit, wait and then leave. The whole night went by like this, except for one guy that keeps reading a newspaper. But the weirdest thing is, he taking newspapers from his backpack when he's done. He sometimes looks at me but when I look back at him, he focuses on the newspaper. He looks like one of the guys that I could find at the fights. He's all muscles and has some tattoos peeking through his black t-shirt. He has short length black hair and dark brown eyes. He's all dressed in black which is rather weird for a dude his age.

I lean my head back and close my eyes.

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