Chapter 15 - The condom

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(Next day)

I slowly open my eyes and try to stand up, groaning a little from the pain on my sides.

What the fuck happened?

The last thing I remember last night is the dude kicking my ass and almost killing me. But that's it.

Wait, where am I?

I look around the dark bedroom and frown.

(Hailey) "This isn't my bedroom." – I mumble.

I can hear some low groaning coming from the hall so I stand from the bed and I walk to the door, gripping my left side, which is the one that hurts the most. I turn to the right, the end of the hallway and I can surely say that the groans are coming from there. They seem like pained groans, like someone's in pain but it seems like the pain is coming from exercise.

So I walk there. I could be in a rapist's house but like the dumb chick I am, just like the ones from the movies, I follow the noise.

And I'll tell you why. Because those groans are sexy as fuck.

I can tell they're manly groans but something about them makes my legs shake in need and desire.

When I finally reach the door, I almost choke on my own saliva. The sight in front of me is something that no one, in their best dreams, could possibly dream.

Back muscles... Back muscles... Fucking hot back muscles.

Noah's doing pull ups on what I could call his exercise room.

Not that I'm actually paying any attention to the room per say... Because... My fucking God... Back muscles.

I don't even know if he's counting but since I got inside, he already did twenty pull ups. And his groans keep increasing and I can tell he's pushing all his limits because I can also see his arms shaking slightly.

I want to call for him but let's face it. I want to keep watching.

It looks like the beginning of a really good porn. Fuck... I wanna do porn with him... What the fuck is wrong with me?!

(Noah) "I know you're watching me." – he struggles to say the words.

My cheeks redden a little.

(Hailey) "I didn't mean to disturb you."

He lets his body fall to the ground and turns to me. He reaches for a towel on a bench nearby and my eyes travel to his torso.

Those abs... Those six abs... They can kill anyone if you just stare.

(Noah) "You can touch if you want to."

I look up to his face to see him smirking.

I really want to.

(Hailey) "You're insane." – I let out a nervous chuckle.

He starts walking to me, slowly, as if teasing me because his smirk never falters.

(Noah) "You don't want to?"

I bite my lip as he stands right in front of me. He puts his hand on my cheek, his thumb snapping my bottom lip from my teeth.

(Noah) "Because I want to touch you." – he whispers.

I gulp and he slowly, again, starts walking forward making me walking backwards until eventually my back hits a wall.

(Noah) "Fuck... You're fucking beautiful."

A smile makes its way to my lips.

(Hailey) "Shut up..."

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